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Everything posted by Sammy101

  1. Hello, I'm trying again to see if this will work. Last time there was a huge flame war on how bandits are ruining everything about this game and blah blah blah. This thread is for posting your videos on DayZ that you are being a bandit in. Whether it be commentaries, screenshots, gameplay. As long as you're being a bandit you should post it. So one last time, let's not turn this into a flame war shall we, and just enjoy everyone's bandit works. The below video is a montage of my firefights I've had, enjoy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilOhMKfaHu4&feature=plcp
  2. Sammy101

    Meta-Gameing, Hacking, De-Sync.

    Metagaming is allowed Rocket has stated. However hacking and disconnecting to avoid dying are not allowed. He says he has a fix soon for the disconnecting, however hacking is easy because the engine uses client side updates instead of server side updates. Hopefully Rocket will be able to fix it, but I doubt that.
  3. Sammy101

    1.6.0 Stuck as male

    Player ID: 16853702 1.6.0 Stuck as male Date/Time: 2012-05-27 around 16:00 What happened: I logged onto a server and got the gender selection screen, I chose female and then the server went down and i didn't get in. Where you were: At kamenka, not there anymore though. What you were doing: I just spawned. *Current installed version: Dayz ArmA 2 Beta 93160 *Server(s) you were on: Dallas 20 *Your system specs: 8gb ram 460mx windows 7 i7 *Timeline of events before/after error: 1-Logged into a server 2-Chose female 3-Server goes down 4-Joined a different server 5-Still a male.