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About JustPassingBy

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    On the Coast
  1. JustPassingBy

    Change Weapon Damage for StandAlone

    in general words - yes
  2. JustPassingBy

    Change Weapon Damage for StandAlone

    A little correction: Russia hasn't stopped using the AK line. AK47 is not used in military since 1974. Regular military units are training with AK74 and modern 10x series designed in 1990s. AN-94 is less reliable than AK-74 due to its complex design that's why it's in limited use. AK74 and newer uses 5.45x39 bullets. AK-107/108 is equipped with a recoil-balancing mechanism (same that AEK-971 has) to compensate the impulse of the gas piston and bolt carrier. And a little more about pistols: When I served our instructors taught us that a handgun is a last defence line of the soldier. That's why pistols must have strong stopping power but not the killing power.