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Everything posted by ApteryxAustralis

  1. ApteryxAustralis

    the hive, and

    It's a curse and a blessing. I think it shows game developers everywhere that unconventional ideas can be highly successful, and perhaps indicative of people getting bored of current genres and shifting to a totally different gaming experience. Anyhow, I am personally hoping that the mod gets to a more stable state before they put it on hold and embark on the next journey.
  2. ApteryxAustralis

    the hive, and

    I kind of agree with OP. Some more community engagement at this stage might be nice (I haven't noticed as much lately either). It would go a long way in tiding over the communities' collective curiousity and anxiety. I think people are getting a bit itchy. The problem as I see it is that yes it's alpha and all that, but people are playing it as if it wasn't. Probably because it's still so damn fun at times :P. Those people don't understand all the complexities of the current situation, so they get frazzled. I think now would be a nice time for rocket to calm some of those fears.
  3. ApteryxAustralis

    Helicopter crash sites rarer since patch?

    I think perhaps they are more evenly spaced out? I used to find quite a few within viewing distance of each other nearly every night, but haven't had that for a while now.
  4. ApteryxAustralis

    Was it a hacker?

    ^ this. My Mk48 instills horror in my victims, no surprise they think I am hacking.
  5. ApteryxAustralis

    Hive down??

    Hive is down, it will be back up soon. Have patience all.
  6. ApteryxAustralis

    Hackers, Hackers, Hackers

    Rick, I have had that happen to me a few times. In the middle of a forest, spawn in, 5 seconds later dead. So yeah, made me question the odds of that happening (it's not like I spawned in on a hotspot i.e. Airfield, Barracks, Tents or anything).
  7. ApteryxAustralis

    3 Global bans in one minute (US #NY199)

    So everyones heard by now but I might as well say it again here, BE made some false positives :blush:. *sigh*
  8. ApteryxAustralis

    Humanity is back, i'm FKED.

    :huh: stop rustling his jimmies.
  9. ApteryxAustralis

    [VIDEO] Stealth assault on Devil's Castle

    Sweet vid.
  10. ApteryxAustralis

    Global Bans for legit players?

    Gather as much information as you can and bombard BattlEye with it. (In the nicest way possible, they are people too)
  11. ApteryxAustralis

    3 Global bans in one minute (US #NY199)

    @unhap that sucks, I suggest you write a well worded email to BattlEye support to see if they will look into it for you. Follow the instructions here on your best chance for your case to be reviewed. Besides that, let's not blow it out of proportion by saying "This many legit players being banned" just yet as we don't know all the facts. I think the affected people should be making noise, but directing it constructively at BattlEye, who knows, maybe there is a problem and it's obvious once they get enough people to inform them how to reproduce it.
  12. ApteryxAustralis

    3 Global bans in one minute (US #NY199)

    That certainly is one possible reason.
  13. ApteryxAustralis

    3 Global bans in one minute (US #NY199)

    This certainly is good news. B) However I am slightly uneasy over some comments people have had in the past about being banned and claiming false positives. I am playing devils advocate here but, is some form of spoofing causing this (relevant thread)? From the BIS wiki they state under the BattleEye topic: So I would assume not, but the tinkerer in me wonders how they could get this to work... I have a few theories. Anyway, if hackers are getting banned, then I feel the natural step will be that they start seeking out ways to get BE to think they are another legimate player. From what I know about how these systems work, i'm not entirely convinced that it would be impossible to do. Then again what do I know... Other relevant links: http://www.battleye.com/support.html
  14. ApteryxAustralis

    What do you guys think about the L85A2 AWS?

    I used to have this gun in my inventory a few weeks back but it disappeared after a patch. I assumed they had already taken it out of the game?
  15. ApteryxAustralis

    Will arma 3 engine be plagued by hackers too?

    This. I have had more fun playing this game in the past few months than any other game for a long, long time. I am patient enough to weather the current rough times it is having. I am confident that it will continue to improve, but in anycase I have definitely got my moneys worth out of Arma2.
  16. Have you ever had a camp that has been raided? Ever wondered who the double-crosser was in your team? How about just wondering who the lazy sack is that sits back at camp eating all the beans? Well with my novel feature suggestion these things could all be a thing of the past! Introducing the Camera Trap ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camera_trap ). With this handy device you can easily mount it against a tree and set it to work. Any assailants passing it's FOV will automatically be happy-snapped and you will now have the evidence to show to their wives! I am sure a mechanic like this would even further stretch what is possible under the ARMA 2 engine but I think it could add some interesting elements to an already engaging mod i.e.: Spying on camps, capturing candid moments in the bush.
  17. ApteryxAustralis

    Camera Traps - Surveillance for the masses

    *resurrect thread*
  18. ApteryxAustralis

    Pending Update: Build 1.7.2

    Tent persistence, all I want is persistent tent contents so I may hoard all of Chernarus in my tents.
  19. ApteryxAustralis

    Thank you, Mr. Chopper Wreck.

    M107 & L85 LWS. I have been a good boy this heli-xmas!
  20. ApteryxAustralis

    Camera Traps - Surveillance for the masses

    \m/ \m/ :bump:
  21. Whilst we're sharing campfire stories... I decided it would be funny to crawl into a tent (protip: do not do this) to surprise a team mate as a joke whilst he got gear. As I turned around in the tent my limbs exploded (why did I think this would work?). Needless to say I was the butt of all jokes for the rest of the night.
  22. ApteryxAustralis

    Wallhack still possible

    Enemy11, I read that thread link you posted. Wow. People paying for dayz hacks, that is desperate. I hope they all get the perma-bans they deserve.
  23. ApteryxAustralis

    Packed and squished tents reappearing on server restart

    Can confirm this is happening to me as well. After a few server restarts on US4, we had quite a few tents from previous placements reappear again and again.
  24. ApteryxAustralis

    Tent disappeared

    I would like to reopen this if I could. Date/Time: 19.06.2012 13:00 UTC+12 What happened: Tents disappeared Where you were: Secret :o) What you were doing: Placed two tents and saved. When I came back in the morning (~8 hrs later) they had disappeared. They had plenty of equipment in them. Also I noticed that a tent that I had previously packed up and moved had respawned, although I did not save that tent. *Current installed version: *Server(s) you were on: US4 (the same one as someone else a few posts back)