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About grinya

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    On the Coast
  1. We should put aside this tread until anim footage will be shown. To fix point of worry for future discuss: "I think that Rocket just recapture old mocaped Arma 2 anims with new selfmocaped anims and (maybe) fix old Arma2 sceletons to looks better. Nothing more."
  2. I don't understand why Rocket can't simply adopt shown Arma 3 animation system as one of BIS developer. And it's strange to me to declare of developing fully new engine instead of grab Arma 3 engine which will be released before DayzSA as i suppose. It's very strange. This thread is disappointed me. Instead of community collaboration to develop quality of product mostly(except few) persons defend DayZ as object of Holy War. I looks like Counter Strike fans who still plays from 2000 and prove that it's best game ever was. I don't undrstand why game shouldn't be better as it can be. Thanks.
  3. i don't understand why some people think that developer is God and everyone should pray for him. If he promises something, he should pay attention on critics and what other people think about each idea he said. Biggest part of DayZ users I met just wait some new stuff and scream from joy like "He add new can. Yeah. Lets go play!" and ready to suffocate anyone who say something wrong. I worry about future of DayZ and those who will play later. I not so young and I know game history from ZX Spectrum and Amiga very good to say that 99 percent of tousands of games is crap. I don't want it to Dayz and I worry how free DayZ with thousands of addicted palyer may transform into pay game with same content. It will be good if I wrong. But my post about animation and I think it's just new mocap sequences. Left 4 Dead 1 and 2 is best I saw in zombie animation and want see such animation in DayZ. That is I want. Thanks. PS: letter was to Rocket. I don't have his email.
  4. Hello. Write this letter (as game developer) with urgent, personally to Rocket. I really disappoint that you declare going to rework animation system, but really will be rework only animation(not animation system). This's clearly see from last Dev-Video, where team take MoCap at studio. I not understand why you still trying to keep old animation system and show it like something new instead of develop brand new existing great ideas. As you said before "Arma 2 still has Flashpoint animation system",but you trying to build nothing like same with new animation sequencies. Take look at Valve Left4Dead 1/2. It has revolutionary and genius animation system basic on blending keyframed sequencies on skeleton core. They capture all simple movements with MoCap and made it simple as possible, then get two sequencies depends on game event and blends them from first to second. So it able to make smooth animation transitions like in real life: run-fall, run-jump, run-attack, run-turn(with lean) and so on. It's best and most realistic NPC animation I ever see in gamedev, especially for zombies hordes or infected(after "28 DAYS LATER"). As Flashpoint-Arma 2 veteran, I have many questions about promises given DayZ team like: "Look, they going to make brand new game!" I say: "I want to thinks so. All stuff i saw was same Arma 2 with redone stuff. What it should be on Arma 2 Engine?" I hope you understand what i mean. Take look to such suggestion, because you risk to upset many players, which wait for brand new game instead of just DayZ Standalone Mod. Thanks. ps: dev-heaven.net/projects/dayz/