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About Trixxta

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    On the Coast
  1. Trixxta

    Show server name (and IP) ingame.

    totally 100% agreed
  2. ag ok i didnt realise that satchels were in already - can they destroy buildings currently? If so do they work off a timer? or do they set off immediately?
  3. You arenn't going to be able to stop data mining - even without a mission editor/mission files a db website like dayzdb just has to write a plugin and encourage people to run it that records what loot they find and where they find it (no messing with the actual game files i.e. hacking would be necessary) . With enough people running the plugin/extension enough reliable data gets recorded to tell you loot percentage and location. its the same principle as how wowhead operates. in short you cant stop it and people will find a way around it.
  4. Ok so this will be a fairly long post so I'll break my suggestions down. Apologies if any of these ideas have been mentioned before :) 1. Improved noise system 2. Zombie "warning" sounds or animation 3. Improved map 4. Regional loot 5. More tent varieties 6. More clothing varieties 7. Satchel charges 8. Ammo bandolier 9. Improved night visual mechanics 10. Environmental noises 11. Loot UI warning prompts 12. Buildings, forests can be set on fire 13. Draw distance/anti aliasing settings 14. Rivers/Stream 15. Character "graveyard" record 1. Improved noise system One of the most jarring things I have found creeping around in towns is that the noise I make (what i actually hear on my speakers) does not correlate with how much noise that I am making in terms of zombies detecting me (how many bars appear next to the ear icon on the HUD) - i.e. I could be crawling through some grass at 1 noise level and then move over a road at 4 noise level but the volume in my PC speakers does not noticeably change. If these values were consistent I feel it would increase immersion considerably and almost do away with the need for the noise icon at all - if you could rely on the sound in your speakers as an accurate level of whether a zombie would be able to detect you - you wouldn't need the icon. 2. Zombie "warning" sounds or animation If you are very close to aggroing a zombie it could provide some kind of indication that you are close to aggroing it via either a sound (it starts a louder moan, faster breathing etc) or visually (starts moving its head around trying to see the player). Zombies could stop walking/moving for say 30 secs when they are in this "heightened awaredness" mode. This would mean that players who monitor the behavior of the zombies around them would be more likely to survive and reward a more careful approach to raiding. Note I do not want to make it easier to get around zombies - I think there should be still a "random" element to aggroing a zombie so you are never 100% safe and if this system made it easier to avoid aggro then you could turn the aggro likelihood up a bit to compensate. The point is that you would increase the chances of your survival by taking more care in monitoring the behavior of the zombies around you. 3. Improved map a. Create a map that has responsive smooth zooming and panning like here http://dayzdb.com/map - its frustating using the ingame map as usability is not good - zooming and panning is very slow and sluggish. b. As someone else has already said perhaps when you pick up a map you get a rough outline of the whole map but you need to actually visit a town before you see the detail of that town - this could include detailing what buildings have loot and their low/med/high chance of loot. You want to attempt to make the ingame map more useful that out of game maps like dayz db. This would in essence reward players for travelling around which I think is a mechanic that we want to encourage. c. Another thing we could add to the map is actually having an optional overlay on the map that displays a line of where the player has actually travelled. Shouldn't be too hard to do codewise and useful for tracking where you have been and adding to that sense of exploration accomplishment. d. The two above points would encourage player exploration and a sense of progression without feeling too much like a gimicky achievement system. e. Map should be editable as per dayzdb so you can list tents/vehicles etc you have acquired or locations of interest - possibly you can share this with fellow players if you want to. 4. Regional loot At the moment pretty much all loot can be found everywhere but with differing drop percentage - to encourage more travel make some loot only able to be found in certain regions of the map - for instance you could have a special mountaineering 24 slot backpack that is only dropped on hill tops or a type of winter jacket that protects you from getting cold only found in the far north west of the map or a coastal specific loot type (like a tshirt or sunglasses). Also perhaps consumer specific loot like twinkies or breakfast cereal, chocolate bars or beer would only ever be found in town loot positions. Also beer could make your vision a bit blurry occasionally for the next 20 mins or so :) 5. More tent varieties Rather than have 1 tent varity have small (pup), medium (2 man) and large varieties (4-8 man) that hold differing amounts of equipment. Make pup tents slightly easier to get but large varieties hard to find (very low percentage military spawn etc). Also you could have different colours of tent in order to differentiate desirability. You could have a bright red pup tent and a dark green one which would obviously make the dark green one more desirable as it would be harder to see. 6. More clothing varities Have more clothing types - mainly for cosmetic reasons but this would encourage you to feel closer to your character if you can customise the shirt, jacket, shoes, sunglasses and hats according to the loot that they pick up. Some clothing types (such as a winter jacket or military helmet) may have a gameplay impact (not suffer from temperature effects, improved protection etc) but that would not apply to most of the clothing. Camo facepaint could also be looted/applied. 7. Satchel charges I don't think these are in the game yet - (at least the versions I have played) but an extremely rare spawn could be a satchel charge or dynamite you could use to booby trap or destroy buildings. Currently buildings can be destroyed but it seems to be fairly rare and driven by zombies unless I'm mistaken?? It could be quite fun to plant a satchel in a loot point, wait for someone else to go in and then bring the roof down on them in a giant explosion :) obviously this is not something you would want to happen too often so the drop percentage could be rare and perhaps only a timed satchel (say explode 5 mins from setting it) would be better to stop too much griefing. 8. Ammo bandolier A bandolier that allows you to carry more ammunition (say 12 magazines instead of 8 etc). (Mentioned before I think by others) 9. Improved night visual mechanics I know this has been touched on a lot but personally I find playing at night pretty crap purely for the reason that you can't see anything unless you have NV goggles. Despite what others on this board say most players don't like it either and the result is practically empty servers at night time. Even if you do have NV goggles (which I do on one server) you basically are playing on the server on your own (looting everything very easily with no sense of danger) which I think takes away from what Dayz should be about. I really like that there are different mechanics at night (easier to avoid zombies) and that there is loot specific for it (chemlights etc) however the essential thing is that playing at night is not as much fun as during the day time.This needs to be rectified somehow and the main way i think is that it basically needs to be easier to see at night. Rather than have moonless nights most nights should behave as if there is a moon up. NV goggles and chemlights could make it easier to see but they shouldn't be an absolute requirement to play at night (which they currently are). Also the flashlight mechanics should be improved so that ambient light is thrown - not just a specific "cone of light" - this would means that if you are shining your torch on a wall inside a house you don't merely see a small circle of light - the whole room should be lit up with enough ambient light for you to see (in a similar way to how chemlights work). I realise there is coding complexity to this but it would improve night time play extensively. Playing at night should be fun and a different type of experience but not a chore 10. Environmental noises I think this has been touched on before but noise should correspond to the environment around you more - cows should moo, sheep should bleat, when in towns perhaps hear open doors or windows banging on their hinges (could sound quite scary), in factories perhaps hear some chains moving in the wind, on plains hear the wind, in forests hear the wind moving through the trees, trees creaking in the wind, in bushes the bushes moving with the wind would sound different to trees moving etc. 11. Loot UI warning prompts I am 99% sure this is being worked on somehow but the loot UI needs to have warning prompts if you are about to destroy/drop valuable items. "Are you sure you want to drop Sniper rifle 3000+ of awesomeness?" etc - perhaps have granular control so you don't get warned for dropping basic items like canned food etc if you dont want to. 12. Buildings, forests can be set on fire This would be quite hard from a coding and performance perspective but it would be pretty cool to be able to set buildings and or forests on fire with the right kind of flammable weapons such as molotov cocktails/incendiary grenades/napalm or perhaps helicopter crashes. Buildings could burn down over time and possibly burn some loot and zombies within them (zombies could catch on fire and slowly cook to death) . Fire could also spread within a town slowly (perhaps according to how windy it is). In the forest you could try to smoke a sniper out of a hiding spot by setting the treeline he is hiding in on fire. Just imagine if you were on the hill over Elekto at night and half the town was on fire :) - it would look pretty spectacular. Towns or treelines would become "unburnt" after a period of time to stop loot being denied to players for too long and to minimise griefing. A large pall of smoke could be seen over a fire from a distance. If a wind mechanic was introduced then fire would follow the wind direction. 13. Draw distance/anti aliasing settings Currently it can be easier to see objects like players, tents or vehicles from 500m away than 200m away because certain elements of terrain are not rendered at 500m (like grass tufts) and therefore objects stand out more. Also even though I have a high end system I do not turn anti aliasing on even though it makes terrain look better because it essentially adds more detail to trees making it harder to see if there is a player crouched beneath a tree. I understand that this behavior is due to performance reasons but in this game being able hide yourself and your tent/vehicle is so important so if terrain has to be non displayed at distance then perhaps objects (players/tents etc) should have some kind of filter applied at distance as well so they don't stand out as much? Also improving your display settings should not put you at a disadvantage. 14. Rivers/Stream There are no rivers or streams on the map currently - just dams and ponds - add a few rivers perhaps with boats (not too many so that it is really easy to get water though) 15. Character "graveyard" record When you die and respawn you could be given the opportunity to name your character differently to what you were previously. When your new character dies stats are recorded where you can see listed character name and appearance, days/time survived, weapons/loot held when killed, exploration history (see point 3c above), location of death and reason for death (killed by zombies/hunger or specific player etc). Cheers all!
  5. Trixxta

    DayZ Standalone Forum Best Ideas

    Just wanted to post that i liked 95% of the ideas in this post - great suggestions!