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Everything posted by Zombie_JC

  1. Zombie_JC

    Bullet wounds are horribly unrealistic

    Because, this is a game. Welcome to games.
  2. Zombie_JC

    Whats with my gpu?

    Also, mess with the settings like he said.
  3. Zombie_JC

    Whats with my gpu?

    DayZ is a suck for frames. If you don't have a second hard drive you're recording to for stress relief, there's really not much else you can do besides getting a better CPU and/or GPU.
  4. Zombie_JC

    question to the admins

    Now leave them alone!
  5. Zombie_JC

    question to the admins

  6. Zombie_JC

    What's your "Chuck Norris" moment?

    Then there was the one time I was in a barn and my friend was running around outside being chased by zombies. I saw zombies running around looking through the windows. All of a sudden a body stepped through the door and I quickly hatched towards the face to save my fragile life. Alas, this was my friend and he was now dead. Q_Q
  7. Zombie_JC

    What's your "Chuck Norris" moment?

    Simple and sweet. Two friends and I were hiking north away from Electro when we heard an engine. One friend and I ducked into some bushes as quick as possible, but the other was not as quick and was seen. The car drove past and came back a couple minutes later driving towards where my friend was seen. The three of us decided to bait them with the guy who was seen, seeing as he didn't have much gear as he was a fresher spawn. My friend started running into the woods and two people from the car ran after him shooting. I ran towards their car to find a third person waiting at the drivers seat and quickly shot his face off. My friend was unfortunately murdered by the two bandits, but I had their car and my second friend had their bodies peppered with bullets. Yay for free loot. THE END
  8. Zombie_JC

    I will pay $21 US for Inceptions (Murder)

    I need to start playing on Balota Buddies...
  9. Zombie_JC

    The Notorious Can Incident

    I've been playing this game since last summer, have been reading forum topics and staying up to date with the game, and only recently have decided to actually get involved with the forums. This is by far the most silly discussion ever. I know the DayZ crew has been having difficulty contacting the Coke / Pepsi companies, so what's the big deal with them changing stuff around?
  10. Zombie_JC

    Graphic card compatability

    I know you were talking about CPU's, but this made me laugh cause AMD makes Radeon stuff...
  11. Zombie_JC

    Graphic card compatability

    If your motherboard has a PCI Express x16 port it'll fit all graphics cards. PCI Express 3.0 gets better results over PCI Express 2.0, but you probably wouldn't notice any difference. The major things you will have to worry about is if your case will fit the card (length and width) and the wattage uses. The one I listed needs AT LEAST 450 watts, you can see it's specifications in the tab marked details.
  12. Zombie_JC

    Graphic card compatability

    For your around $200 price though, a GTX 660 would be a very good choice. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814130825
  13. Zombie_JC

    Graphic card compatability

    You have an APU processor, which means you have a CPU / GPU combo essentially. You will need to figure out what your wattage is on your power supply before going too much further.