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Everything posted by Garbit

  1. Garbit

    DayZ API

    Hey, I think it would be great if we could open up the data that DayZ has about characters so people can go ahead and make cool stuff like stats comparisons, leaderboards, mashups with location data and maps etc We'd need a restful api with a few endpoints for player data and thats about that :) I'd be more than happy to work on it so long as you don't mind PHP + codeigniter :) Garbit
  2. Garbit

    Argh flashlight won't work!!

    I too have this issue :/ its impossible to play without a light source nowadays and its annoying i have to find day time servers. The night is so much more interesting and scarey! :D
  3. Garbit

    DayZ API

    Yeah I could see a copy version working, 24hr delay on stats perhaps and just cron a db dump to an api db for reading from perhaps? That or epic keys on the tables or nosql/mongodb? I could knock you an api up pretty quick with the phil sturgeon rest api library. I'd just need the db schema and some idea of what data you want displaying and perhaps a few rows of fake data
  4. Garbit

    What Day Z really needs: Bicycles

    Man, what a post... just what a post.. epic :D Great idea as well and totally makes sense