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Posts posted by evilpockets

  1. I have been playing DayZ for over a year now and have had my share of groups and clans. Recently my clan stopped playing DayZ so I am again looking for a group to play with. I am looking for an experienced group of players (18+) that know how to have fun and torment servers.


    Age: 19

    Location: East Coast

    Playstyle: Bandit Sniper




    Hit me up here or on steam: jworldwarii.



    Of course I have a mic and prefer not to use Skype.

  2. I just got back into Day Z after a few months break and would love to team up with someone again! Everyone I played with has quit the game so it isn't as much fun. I am well experienced and have skype + mic. I don't play private hives at all. If you're interested add me on skype: john.epp18 or steam: jworldwarii
