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About noxiousg

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  1. noxiousg

    Most bandits are posers

    Most people kill for fun because there's nothing else to do. Once you learn how to deal with zombies, farming for gear and cars is trivially easy. The only part of the game that remains unpredictable and interesting is hunting players.
  2. Said mil-sim has always had third-person.
  3. Maybe you weren't around back then, but we already had what you want and it sucked. The way it is now is much better.
  4. noxiousg

    How to find out where you are without map?

    Time to learn some navigation skills. Find a town or road sign and read it. Then use what you've read to find that location on the map. Now you know where you are. From this point on you can navigate via landmarks (keeping tracks of roads is probably the easiest, but power lines, forests and hills are also useful). Also note that the game uses real world time. Your shadow can serve as a compass if the sun is out and you pay attention to the time zone of the server that you join.
  5. noxiousg

    Hatchet can no longer be in tool slot

    Or just remove the wood requirement for fires. Either option would be fine, but I agree that the ability to create a fire on demand shouldn't take up ten backpack slots.
  6. noxiousg

    M40A3 and Suppressed Makarov

    Any weapons you have on your character that shouldn't exist in DayZ will be replaced with legal (and most certainly inferior) weapons the next time you load your character (next log in). I doubt seriously that anyone has been banned for looting and using hacked weapons since this mechanic exists to get rid of such weapons. For what it's worth, my group raided a camp that had a bunch of fancy weapons a week or so ago, and all of the weapons that shouldn't exist in the game were wiped from our character inventories after we individually saved and loaded our characters. None of us have been banned. Interestingly, such weapons persist when kept within vehicles or tents. This is probably because these inventories are saved on the local server whereas character inventories are stored on the master server.
  7. noxiousg

    DayZ Mod is hitting Television News!

    They are not going to air your story bro.
  8. noxiousg

    Voted off for a murder?

    Pretty sure the 'A killed by B message' occurs when someone kills a player that is still loading in debug forest (or debug desert, as it is now). At least, the only time I got this message for killing a player was when I first discovered debug forest by accident and, not knowing where I was, shot someone in it. This might explain why they wanted to kick the guy.
  9. noxiousg

    I'm honestly worried now.

    What is the problem? Fire, relocate, hide. They won't see you. it's actually easier to avoid them now because even if they do hear you, as long as your hide is far enough away that you have enough time to relocate and hide to lose agro, you don't have to kill any zombies. Previously, if you agroed any zombies you had to dispatch them because there was no way to lose them. You should be relocating every time you give away your position by firing a shot anyway, so it doesn't even inconvenience you in any way.
  10. noxiousg

    Possible trade post set up.

    This will not work. It's cure that you think your guards could stop attackers. I'm sure they could pick off some attackers, but a determined attack would make short work of the camp. You put guys outside the cathedral? The attackers chuck grenades over the walls to kill them unseen. You put a sniper on over watch somewhere outside the town? No problem, he can be counter-sniped. Anyway you cut it, your idea just won't work. The simplest way to get in is to zombie train or suicide bomb, neither of which you could defend against, but a moderately skilled attacker could penetrate your defenses with little effort even without resorting to such desperation.
  11. And why shouldn't it be possible to stash gear clandestinely? The game forces us to store gear in tents that can only be placed in the middle of open fields. You can't hide things in bounds. In the real world if you want to hide something in the wilderness, it's almost impossible for someone else to find it. Until we're given that ability in Day Z, I'm all for stashing things outside the bounds of the map.
  12. noxiousg

    DayZ Screenshots!

    Fatal tractor explosion: Derpin' around the camp fire.