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Everything posted by Pringle24

  1. Can custom skins be requested through here? Or do I need to find an admin while playing?
  2. Logged into Stary this morning, stoned as usual, to a hail of gunfire. Took about 30 minutes but was able to dispatch 8-10 of the military AI. Definitely wasnt expecting that haha. On another note, the new barracks that were put there don't spawn any loot or zeds. Just a heads up
  3. Ran into a patrol this morning near Stary, and another IN Stary hahaha. I think the best part about this server, is that even if you're stoned and you're the only person on the server in the early morning, you still have to deal with the AI.
  4. Great first day on the server. Found a humvee near Balota, took it to NW AF, met a survivor, foraged around, and ran into one of the AI. popped a couple to his head and took his silenced sniper rifle, then gave the humvee to the survivor who it belonged to the whole time anyway hahaha Will definitely pop on tomorrow.
  5. Whenever Im looking for a new server, I just hop on the boards here. That way I can read the user feedback and prevent myself from spring a server run by asshole admins
  6. I say it's a good thing. You definitely don't want to be stuck on a server run by a basement dwelling prick with power issues.
  7. It'd be awesome if you were able to make it a full moon night, instead of shifting. My peak hours tend to fall on your night time shifts for some reason and it's a pain when it's pitch black with no NVGs
  8. I killed a pretty real looking person yesterday. In fact, I see a bunch of real looking people dying to other real looking people. Holy shit, have you all been AI this entire time?!
  9. Sounds to me like you're doing some crying yourself
  10. Wrex is butt hurt from getting his can of beans taken from him. Sad wrex is sad
  11. Vehicles are plentiful but not TOO much so. This morning I found 2 broken SUVs, a police car, normal car, and a huge truck. Before today I only had the suv
  12. Pringle24

    Tents Duping Contents Every Reset

    They keep saying its a server side problem, and not a problem with the patch because they can't recreate it. This mass duping issue is not an issue that exists, according to Razor
  13. 2 instances of SoS in the last day hahaha. First one yesterday, guy took shots at me so I stole his off-road truck. Another this morning, guy took shots at me by the base near the NE airfield, so I killed him. Liking the serve. :D
  14. Had all my stuff in an ATV which was stolen or disappeared. Too lazy to log back in haha
  15. What's the name? I'll add it to my favs and hope on if you can give me the name to search for on DayZ Commander
  16. My home server finally updated to the hot fix so ill be popping in from time to time :)