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Everything posted by Pringle24

  1. Pringle24

    Dayz No PvP and No hackers

    Completely agree with you, sharing opinions is important and I would never frown on it. But to tell someone they're a coward for wanting to play the game differently is trolling.
  2. Pringle24

    Dayz No PvP and No hackers

    Who the fuck cares? Seriously, it's his server, let him do what he wants with it. I swear, a lot of people on these forums have nothing better to do than to bitch.
  3. Balls I know why. I don't think dayZ commander has the latest update, which got rid of the new food and drinks. Lots of servers, atleast the ones I'm on, don't use that one. Which is why I'm able to join those, and not this one. It's tough, but I'd rather still have access to those servers, than to manually update and only have access to this one. Decent server from what I played though, I encourage anyone who has the newest update to try it, and if any of the servers I frequent update as well, ill hop on this one!
  4. DayZ commander says im completely up to date and Im able to play on other servers :/
  5. I was able to play a bit before the newest patch. after updating everything, your server kicks me and says i need
  6. Pringle24

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Again, no tent/duping fix?
  7. Pringle24

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Have you fixed tents yet? Its created a huge duping issueaand its NOT server side
  8. Pringle24

    DayZ Mod Update

    Yyyyyeah, ill attribute that to being early morning brain fart on his part ;)
  9. Pringle24

    DayZ Mod Update

    Could we get an update on tents? Them being useless, and the duping situation have given me reason not to play, seems like a serious issue worthy of addressing