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Everything posted by wastelandsamurai

  1. wastelandsamurai

    Good Build For DayZ, Standalone, Arma 2&3, etc

    You are carrying a sense of pride and arrogance with you but I have not taken it personal so its ok. 1. Read after the build were I even said in that original post were I laid out the cheaper GPU and that that is a building point. Please read the full post. 2 Agreed also read where I talked about CPUs and what he wants to look for again read whole post. 3 Refer to #1 mentioned that that is a starting point and was trying to keep price closer to 800 as he never set a budget if he said he could go to a grand. The fact is that investing more in your CPU if your budget restricted is just more intelligent. Easier to Upgrade GPU than CPU. 4 Sorry.
  2. wastelandsamurai

    Good Build For DayZ, Standalone, Arma 2&3, etc

    I would not call it unbalanced there is expansion available I was trying to keep price under 1000 with a i7 and did that build at 2am or so : p. Unbalanced would be to pay less for a CPU and Mobo and more for a GPU only to have the backbone of your PC bottleneck you in the future. Going cheaper on the GPU allows for Future expansion at a lower price point rather than Upgrading my CPU and MoBo with my GPU.
  3. wastelandsamurai

    Good Build For DayZ, Standalone, Arma 2&3, etc

    That is good Info, The information I was reading showed support for overclocking. Maybe that was a Z87 chipset of the same board? IDK but I learned something today. Yes But DayZ and Arma are both Horribly Optimized games. Overkill on the CPU is better than overkill on GPU as far as ARMA is concerned and this is the DayZ Fourms. However you are correct that the 4690 and 280 will be fine. I would just think that Better CPU and less on the GPU end is better performance for DayZ. I honestly don't know the performance change between the i5 and i7 in Arma but would be good info to have to settle this debate. If its not that significant then I would go i5, if it is go with i7 but know that the i7 will most likely get you little performance gain over the i5 in other games.
  4. wastelandsamurai

    Good Build For DayZ, Standalone, Arma 2&3, etc

    You can overclock with that MoBo fine, and maybe he wants to store data on a HDD. He can Go way beyond a 270 however. Do some research on PC bottlenecks and you will find that if he dropped a 280 into a build with a weaker processor then a 270 the performance gain is nothing. Your CPU bottlenecks your GPU, So when trying to keep the cost close to original 800 a higher end graphics card would be way over price point. People who Buy an $100-200 cpu and then blow 400+ on a GPU are wasting around 200 dollars X D. You should invest more in your CPU than your GPU if restrained by budget.
  5. wastelandsamurai

    Good Build For DayZ, Standalone, Arma 2&3, etc

    Here is a quick build I made which is slightly higher than your build in your OP but I think much more performance for gaming for the price point. CPU: i7-4790K 4.0Ghz LGA 1150 339.99 GPU: AMD R9 270X 2GB DDR5 71.99 MoB: Gigabyte GA-H87M-D3H LGA 1150 H87 Micro ATX 99.99 RAM: Team Vulcan 8GB 2x4GB DDR3 PC3 12800 71.99 SSD: Kingston 120GB SSD (Install Windows Here and Some Games) 54.99 HDD: 500 GB WD 7200 RPM 44.99 PSU: Cougar 600W 80 Plus ATX SLI Crossfire Haswell Certified 69.99 Total 931.99 That was a quick example that I just came up with all off newegg. Im sure you can get the price lower if you shop around. I do recommend a SSD, a High GHz CPU of at least 2 cores. ( More cores is not necessary for gaming as most games utilize only 1-2 cores. Some are now using more than 2 and if you do other high demand tasks on the PC a quad core is a good investment). 600W PSU is a good number IMO. 500 is just cutting it close for your rig. It never hurts your PC at all to get a bigger PSU, It will however hurt your Power bill if you go too high. X D. PM me if you got at questions.
  6. wastelandsamurai

    Good Build For DayZ, Standalone, Arma 2&3, etc

    Double Post Sorry!
  7. wastelandsamurai

    ADK Gaming is ALWAYS Recruiting New Members!

    Looking for a group to play Epoch or Overpoch with. Experienced DayZ player just new to the Epoch mod. Have mic and stuff.
  8. wastelandsamurai

    Weird stuff happening at green mountain

    Was replying to OP not to you sorry for the confusion.
  9. wastelandsamurai

    Weird stuff happening at green mountain

    Did not even read all ready know. Spooky supernatural shit went down. You went to green mountain, you should have known better. Not being a Dick and will read later when I have time. Many bad things have gone down there. Especially with Mountain Dew.
  10. wastelandsamurai

    [Overpoch Cherno] [ ] Now recruiting.

    Skype name: chhartmann31 Age: 24 Country: USA How often you can play: Started playing again after a break. Will play daily. How experienced are you at the game: Very Experienced. ~ 1K hrs combined in DayZ SA, and DayZ mods Extra information about yourself: I'm a network engineering student finishing my CCNA and looking for a Job XD.
  11. wastelandsamurai

    [Spec-Ops] Tired Of Going At It Alone?

    Submitted Application.
  12. 1] Nickname: WastelandSamurai 2] Region(Country): US (NC) EST 3] Are you willing to be active: Yes (Unfourtantly just got layed off at my company so I have alot of freetime.) 4] Do you have Teamspeak 3 Including a Microphone: Have Microphone can and will install TS3 5] Steam name: Wasteland Samurai 6] How long have you been playing DayZ: Have played mod for Over 400 hours, played SA for 170 hours, I know how to survive and am not a Bambi. 7] How many Clans have you been In: 2 But not serious clans. I want to join a community 8] Previous experience: Played as a Hero class mainly, I have played as a medic, spotter for marksman. 9] How many bandits have you killed: Dozens 10] Are you willing to help other players: Yes! I find player interaction to be the most enjoyable part of this game. I have played enough where dying does not upset me. I don't engage with out trying to make contact.
  13. So your clan is a bunch of people who can not read the multiple warnings telling you that this game is in Production. I've been playing the mod for over a year and I don't plan on stopping DayZ anytime soon. DayZ all has insane replay value as there is no end game yet.
  14. So while I was playing with a few buddies in Elecktro, we get into a firefight on Sniper Hill. Long Story short I die team kills him, and I respawn. With my fresh spawn I do what any man who washed ashore with no memory would logically do. I take my pants off and run to Elecktro. Along the way I encounter a woman running down the street, she too had taken her pants off and we both agreed that we would travel together to that great city where underpants roam free. About ten mins later, after teaching my new friend how to fist run. We ran into a woman who was also a fresh spawn but had donned a Dallas mask and was asking us for medical attention in this warehouse. I was wary of this woman as she had pants on, but after my new friend walked in to the warehouse and was ok I ran in to see a disturbing site. A Man was trying to hang him self and was stuck on the railing. We watched as the woman in the Dallas mask managed to free him and the day was saved. We did not ask questions about the dead woman on the stairs, we gladly accepted the two into our group. They had proven themselves to be trustworthy even with there pants. We traveled some more and then after taking a break at a water well spotted two more survivors up the road. A black guy and a Chinese guy. We approached the two asking them to join us, but we were horrified when the black guy started to swing at the Chinese guy. We all leaped in to action as we started to pummel the black man untill he was dead. Coming back to my self, I was horrified at what we had just done, I was reminded by the Dallas Lady that she was Latina and the new guy was Asian so it was not a hate crime. I felt a great sense of relief that I had not become a racist and we moved on. We we traveling along and I had convinced several more in our group to go pant-less and we were a unified pant-less machine except this one guy who loved his pants. He would not love them soon enough as a crack cried out from a Mosin perched atop a rocky outcrop. The pant clad man dropped dead and we took cover to the bushes and then across to the edge of the cliff. We talked about our options and decided to charge them like the pant-less warriors we knew we were. We started to climb and slide and climb some more, another shot rang out and then ricochet off a nearby rock. We were losing our footing and gaining no ground. Our last available option was to ambush them. Two started to charge and the rest of us hit some bushes. When the next shot was fired we charged out of our bushes and started to fling mighty fists of pant-less fury at the bandit. Then I took a round to the chest when he flung around. I went blind from the shock. I lingered around long enough in that life to hear the triumphant sound of a comrade saying "Yea son, knocked you out!" and the following gunshots I can only hope was my friend with his newly looted rifle disposing of the man who killed me. Fight on My Pant-less brethren, ours is a bond forged and broken in combat.
  15. wastelandsamurai

    Electro, The Weirdest City Of All Of Chenarus

    We would not have fun, we would pay for items with real money and then get banned from the game for asking for a refund. At least that is my experience.
  16. Yes testers do give feedback, in a BUG TRACKER! http://feedback.dayzgame.com/login_page.php There are CHANNELS FOR THIS AND ITS IN THE FORUM RULES http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154048-bug-reports/ You claim to be so experience with forums and their rules but fail to read this forums rules. Did you think before you posted I DID! You ate your own words there pretty bad, must have drank some disinfectant. Should we take anything you claim with credibility?
  17. wastelandsamurai

    Merry Christmas

    Merry Christmas if a full kit dude holds you up on the Coast gives you a pristine book, and says "Merry Christmas". You were just visited by none other than Jolly old WastelandSamurai.
  18. wastelandsamurai

    coward bitch messing with wrong fresh spawn

    You ignore people who ask you questions! That is very weird sir. Your English is rather broken is English a second language to you? Maybe you mistook his question for an Insult?
  19. I agree with you there and I understand that point. The developers do know where the Hot KOS and PVP spots are. They have tons of heatmaps of where players die and for what reasons. This even happening is only noticeable when you go to public testing. They are aware and are working on it. It dose not help anything complaining about a problem that may not exist after a few changes, that the devs all ready know about. Use the bug tracker that is my point. Man you are sooo right. Rocket dose want us to quickly kit up and PVP. Maybe he can test the weapons. You are forgetting that you paid to be part of the Alpha development, not to enjoy your self. You were given several warnings about this. You are a TESTER you are not a player right now. You are a guinea pig who is being used. If you don't like that you are being used then learn to read before you buy.
  20. I think its more that people are sick and tired of these types of threads when the current balance in the game is BROKEN ON PURPOSE. They increase spawn on items and then boom they can use us TESTERS TO TEST THE FUCKING GAME!!!! You guys are like starting to build a house and are arguing about the color of the paint on the walls. Let them work on the OHHH I DON'T KNOW the client server architecture, the GPU CPU optimization, adding the OTHER ITEMS IN THE GAME REQUIRED TO PROPERLY BALANCE THE ITEMS. Its completely moronic to argue about game balance in a game that has yet to be completed. When we have all the guns in, all the weapon stats fixed, all the other major bugs fixed Then I guarantee that this community would be glad to debate balance. But no Lets make a million threads on how there are too many M4's when ITS THE ONLY MILITARY GUN IN THE GAME.
  21. wastelandsamurai

    How is your mental state? :-) [Future evolution of Dayz]

    Agreed could not read after half way through the first line.
  22. wastelandsamurai

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    yes but you do realize that cities are terribly optimized as well as the rest of the game. Now I expected this as its in alpha so they need to gather that data from a variety of hardware then optimize from that collected data. This is one of the few threads that should not be just ALPHER dismissed. This is actually some one who Identified a bug that should be addressed at this point in the development stage. I have a feeling that after the new year hits we will be getting some good updates on this. Try running DayZ with the following console command -nosplash -cpucount=4 -exThreads=7.That helped me a bit with performance, I cant really tell how effective it is using the other cores.
  23. Now is not the point in development where balancing gameplay is an issue. The devs most likely increased spawn-rate of military weapons for gathering data for testing purposes.