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About Samnites

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    On the Coast
  1. sorry to say im back again to this forum :( its acting up again, well it worked for a lil, I was just manully clicking the refresh button to get a few servers up and i would play those i would never let it refresh and show all 6000 something servers, but now i cant get any servers to show, i hit the refreash and it slowly climbs up to about 300-ish and then i lose internet threw out my house, it kills my modem lol, any other ideas or is there a web site i can go to to browes servers and just put it in the dayZ commander shearch?
  2. right on its all in working order now.... and holy cow night time is DARK cant even see the ground " crank gamma " lol thanks yall
  3. okay when i open "playwith six" or "dayz commander" i lose internet completely, the internet light on my modem turns red then gose off for like 5 mins then turns back on "green light" after 4 hours of fighting with this i DL'ed the manual installs blah blah blah they work but almost no servers match my version, but my MAIN thing is i have never had a program ran off my computer that knocks my internet out any ideas ? like i play wow, eve, second life and like 5 other FPS shooters so i dont think its my bandwith