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About GenerousGinger

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    On the Coast
  1. GenerousGinger

    Hacker Teleported me to Unleaveable Area

    Yeah. After two and a half hours (DAMN MY GUY HAS A GUT OF STEEL), I finally died. Thank you very much for the reply :)
  2. Hey. So I had finally downloaded day z, all excited and everything. I find a place, get a gun. Then a message comes up, and it says "HAHAHA, YOU SUCK! SUCK MY MONKEY B*lls!". After that I was teleported to an area of which Is very flat, and I cannot escape. I have been trying for two hours to either die, or find a way out. My last resort is here. I ask very kindly that an Admin or someone with the capability to get me back into the map, It'd be greatly appreciated.