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About [email protected]

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    On the Coast
  1. Hello, To everyone concidering this server i would suggest you avoid it, or atleast live in the US. Today i was banned after a hacker took the Dayz server down. I had been playing on the server for about 1.5 hours with my clanmates and the server was hacked, it took some time for it to get back up and thats when i saw i was banned. My two clanmates were not banned as i found out later because they live in the US. I went on their TS to query this and was subsequently banned after what they describe as them been having problems with foreign hackers, without getting a chance to even defend myself. Now i am Swedish living in Norway, i have been gaming for 12+ years and dayz since almost the beginning, i have had and do to this day have my own servers in Dayz. First of all i want to mention one of the first things you asked me: if im the guy from "Poland of whatever?" to which i responded: Norway, which is when all the foreign hackers issue came up and that you were considering not letting foreigners play on your server, now first off you need to learn some geography, yes the two countries are not all that far from each other but the people are very much different in culture, second off all, this is just blatant racism. I only wish i recorded our onesided conversation or racist rant from your side as i would put it, but this is not something i was expecting, and frankly i am shocked. I urge you to present evidence of my hacking your server but as you said "there were two of you on the server so i just got rid of both of you"(to clarify he meant two foreigners) so i guess thats not gonna be possible. I also urge you to contact me, because i would love to educate you about the rest of the world. Thanks Stefan (On a sidenote i have tried to stay within the community rules and i mean no trouble to the Dayz staff)