I am the one who put [Chicago] - DayZ-Reloaded - NO MODS - Zombie Apocolypse into the server name correct i thought i would drop by and let you all know that having a "name" that is not the same name (under DMCA) and also copyright is legal to do, it is not the same as DayZ as in database structure (since its not a windows machine its linux) however it has the same fundementals as a normal DayZ server you need to survive, look for items, food, water, you are limited on resources and weapons and also yes i could disable the map and gps and totally make it so everyone is screwed when they join the game however i am a bit more nice i give people at least a fighting chance to make it on the map. The zombies are more anal retentive they take head shots to kill, and there is AI's that will kill you as well on the mission. You see even with DayZ it all started back from the Celery zombie scripting every zombie script has evolved from the celery scripting or clay zombie scripts either way everyone has generated a new zombie mission for everyone to play.