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About lordscags

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  1. "๖ۣۜWasteland Grounds Epoch (v1.0.4.2/beta 103718) Active staff|NODESYNC DEDI|Drugs|799+vehicles|m9sd and toolbox|no plot pole requirement|Plotpole tp zed|Custom action menu|BuildingSnapping| Servicepoints|Spawn selection|tow/lift|AIs and missions|SelfBB|Militarised IP: We are using a dedicated box hosted in Dallas, Texas. There is NO desync nor lag on the server! We have alot of custom work scripted in by the owner and us. -Pot farms/harvesting/smoking/selling-Custom devils castle black market with rocket launcher, m107, jackal, merlins... -President Villa (AI villa with lot of stuff to find there such as weed rpgs...) -Day 3 hours, 1 hour night.-Custom antihacks (3 diff ones including owner's custom coded one) -Militarised server -Custom scroll menu (actions, graphics, view distance, help documents)-Deploy Bike, mozzie, motorbike -Enhanced graphical settings (color filter) -Custom buildings around the map with loot -Modified loot tables to be more miitary -Scroll wheel spawn location setup -Tow/lift-Service points -Default loadout with m9sd and toolbox (deploy bike friendly)-Building snapping AND MORE!!!! ADMIN EVENTS EVERY DAY WHEN THERE IS MROE THAN 20 PLAYERS ON! NEW*- Plotpoles aren't required to build, but they TP zombies away from your base. NEW*- Buildigns are tied to UIDs rather than character IDs so you keep parts over deaths.
  2. Hello! I would like to present this server to you guys! They now have custom scripts for epoch and also buildings added to the map. Visit their website here: www.fragzserver.com Custom scripts and buildings list:
  3. Hi everyone! I am here to present to you my new DayZ Epoch server! You can visit our website here: www.fragzserver.com List of custom stuff: -DeployBike (currently replace suicide as you die geting on bike) -SleepHeal (sleeping in tent will regain health) -Autorefuel -Take Clothes -Custom startup loadout (Including m9sd with 2 mags and few stuff) -Self Bloodbag -Towing/Lifting -Custom buldings and camps -More barracks around the map -24/7 Daylight -CUSTOM ANTIHACK Here is a list of every single custom buildings we added so far (more to come!): -Balota and NWAF military camps -Skalisty Bridge -Barracks in Elektrozavodsk -Tikhaya City -NovyLug outpost -ZoneAlpha (Salvation base) Enjoy your stay!
  4. OFFICIAL WEBSITE!!! : http://www.fragzserver.com/ Official Forum!!! : http://fragzcommunity.keuf.net/ Server IP (Up to date): Hi fellow survivors! Welcome to FragZ's private HIVE! Here you will find one of the best gaming experience in the whole DayZ servers. With his cool staff, added bases, startup loadout, 24/7 daylight, his NEW Antihack and his whole bunch of vehicles and alot of helis, FragZ (Me) is providing a brand new surviving standard. If you wish to donate to get perks etc, go check out the store tab and learn about what I can do for you! Hope to see you soon online! FragZ Teamspeak: Here you can follow what is new with the server and learn new things! Visit NEWS tab for details. You can also buy ingame bonus (donations) with our new easy-to-pay system using Paypal! Just visit the STORE tab
  5. Well we started this server a month ago. We went from static 40 players online to 2-3... Thats was caused by a massive DDOS attack and downtime. We seriously apologize for that. Address: So yeah coming soon on v2: -Factions (For events) -Ranks -Forum -More scripts!!! -More cars and less bases (Will add faction bases) FragZ Chernarus ( [Regular] Active admins/Always Day/Military bases/Custom startup gear/ANTIHACK/max vehicules repaired/Fun staff - Hosted by FragZ We are waiting for you!! ;)
  6. DayZ Chernarus ( [Regular] Active admins/Always Day/Auto-Refuel/Siphon/Disassemble vehicles/Added bases/Custom startup gear/ANTIHACK/max vehicules repaired/Fun staff - Hosted by FragZ Address: Regular Always Day Deathmessages only shows whos dead not who killed with what. Says it all... Hosted in Seattle! Our server is really cool! Has custom loading screen including the rules. You can go to our website too. www.fragzserver.com We are waiting for you http://opendayz.net/...nforo/clear.png
  7. HI! Me and my friends decided to form a clan called FragmentationZ. As its alot harder to remember, we use FragZ. Address: HOSTED IN SEATTLE. Loc= Seattle, Diff=Regular Map=Chernarus Slots=50, 3DP=on, CH=on, NP=on, DM=On but not detailed SC=on Active admins Every 6 Hours restart Custom loading screen! [NEW] Antihack Always Day Added bases Custom startup gear max vehicules repaired Fun staff And ofc a donation system to keep it up and working! There is always minimum 80 vehicles and 6 choppers. Bases have good loot but not abused. We wait for you! ;)
  8. Hey guys! So I am posting here to share my private hive. It has MAX VEHICULES all fulled and repaired, custom starting gear, friendly staff and antihax. MORE TO COME! IP: Don't be a jerk ;) OFFICALS ADMINS: FragZ (Owner) Scags (Super admin) Charly (Admin) Rudolf (Admin) RedStoner (Admin) Join now ;)