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Funkmaster Rick

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Everything posted by Funkmaster Rick

  1. Funkmaster Rick

    Looking for Workshop content info and advice.

    Not true, sir. The Steam Subscriber Agreement states that: Workshop Contributions are Subscriptions, and therefore you agree that any Subscriber receiving distribution of your Workshop Contribution will have the same rights to use your Workshop Contribution (and will be subject to the same restrictions) as are set out in this Agreement for any other Subscriptions. If they can download it on the workshop, you've given a kind of general permission for people to use it. There are no provisions for cutting that permission into pieces and selectively distributing it. You upload, Steam lets anyone download, and the Agreement facilitates that. Any DMCA request should be easily defeated by a link to Section 6 B. However, if the author adds a EULA that might change. Such a provision is included in the Agreement. I suspect it would have to be somewhat complicated to both allow general use but deny specific servers, and I doubt a modder is going to invest the money into that. They might invest the time, though, but until then you're open for business.
  2. Funkmaster Rick

    Why I don't play on official....

    We all know this about official servers. So does Bohemia. Don't expect anything to be done.
  3. Funkmaster Rick

    Wound infections coming.

    lol, "new mechanic." This feature was in .63, I wonder why it took them so long to bring it back.
  4. What a weird question. I'm curious now. Are you stalking someone or trying to hide from someone?
  5. They already pumped the game for what it's worth. Nobody who's been around this community for years is going to throw more money in after Bohemia fucked us by removing half the features and never finishing the game. Early Access or no, there were expectations they failed to meet and I certainly don't trust them enough to spend further funds.
  6. Funkmaster Rick

    Cheaters 2021

    Imagine asking for proof of hackers on official servers in 2021. Someone's been asleep for the last seven years.
  7. Funkmaster Rick

    Public (and press) reception of DayZ in 2020

    It was abandoned. It feels abandoned. The forums feel abandoned. The server lists feel abandoned. Half this game was cut and hung out to rot. They used to hand out information to keep the community excited. I find myself doubting the claims that they've still got 10 developers working on this game. If they do, they're certainly not working full-time on just this project.
  8. Funkmaster Rick

    Why is console community so bad?

    Never attempt to interact peacefully with more than one person. Why? Because there's approximately a 98% chance they're on a private communications protocol and probably don't want to invite randos into their private community. If they know you're nearby, it's objectively safest of them to kill you and keep looting. There is no downside to them except the lost ammo, which has never really been precious enough in this game to make me weight the pros and cons of taking a shot at any point. The math just falls that way.
  9. Funkmaster Rick

    is it anti-game or not?

    Since it's on a Facebook page you may have some few options. I would recommend reporting your experience directly to Facebook, including as much proof as possible. They'll likely take this seriously because it's harassment and almost certainly covered by the various cyberbullying laws on whatever state DayZ's servers run on. Facebook will likely at least cite them and give them a warning.
  10. Funkmaster Rick

    Why is Livonia generally low-pop?

    I don't have Livonia. I can certainly afford it but I never liked Bohemia's decision to split the playerbase with a second map. I suspect that a lot of players just never picked up Livonia or remained in Chernarus because the friends they played with stayed there.
  11. Funkmaster Rick

    Contamination and sickness

    I believe gloves only help if you take them off when eating.
  12. Funkmaster Rick

    Will cars and lag ever be fixed?

  13. Funkmaster Rick

    Just came back

    It's something to do when there's nothing else to do.
  14. Funkmaster Rick

    Let's talk buried loot

    Hey, good point. I forgot they added that.
  15. Funkmaster Rick

    Only 4 updates this year?

    They released the game feature-incomplete. I don't think you should expect them to follow any posted release schedule. They were just as committed, if not more so, to implementing the list of features which now languishes in old forum posts. There's a reason the PC forums are mostly dead.
  16. Funkmaster Rick

    Let's talk buried loot

    Server hopping? That's just a different problem in its own right.
  17. Funkmaster Rick

    DAYZ destroyed by 1.08

    I feel that when they abandoned more than half the expected content, dropped modding tools, and launched, they took on a certain responsibility to ensure that the modding tools are easy to use and don't cause conflicts that might accidentally trigger fundamentally unrelated systems like someone's ping.
  18. Funkmaster Rick

    DAYZ destroyed by 1.08

    Respectfully, "didn't test or protect against" is a weak argument after they turned around and told us that the mod community would finish the game.
  19. Funkmaster Rick

    Hackers Everywhere

    It's not BattlEye, it's Bohemia Interactive. BattlEye is used on a variety of platforms and I neither see nor hear about the high population density of cheaters on those games. There are fundamental flaws in the DayZ architecture that make it significantly easier for hacks to be written for this game than other games.
  20. Funkmaster Rick

    Firearm vs a Shovel

    They used to have bones break from gunshots. It was highly rewarding. They took it out. Unless it's a headshot, your pistol is only useful for audibly discouraging people from approaching. Or, more likely, drawing the wolves with better guns. Inertia has been a problem since launch. The serpentine is incredibly easy and effective in this game. You should pretty much only skulk and go for one-shot kills in this game.
  21. Funkmaster Rick

    New babe in the woods ...

    DayZ is not a cross-platform game. Xbox players play with Xbox players, PC players play with PC players. And the PC community, who has been around the longest, has largely moved on due to a mixture of poor handling of cheaters and the game releasing at 1.0 despite never having been completed.
  22. Funkmaster Rick

    Guide: How to obtain all and lose all

    @wanderthelandsThe market for console cheats is much smaller.
  23. Funkmaster Rick

    Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

    There's no real way to know if a server has any cheaters on it until one of them does something extremely suspicious, or runs up to you at 100 kph. You won't know until it's too late.
  24. Funkmaster Rick

    Official servers all players use Hack!!!!

    @tandwanSo there's an acknowledged problem. You've agreed to that much. But then you say 'sitting and complaining about it will solve piss all.' Sorry my dude but we live in societies where we solve our problems by talking. Yes, we can walk away and play on other servers, or play on other games. But just as you learned not to stick your hand in fire, I've been taught that ignoring problems is cowardice. I would prefer if we could move to community servers to avoid the problem but still attempt to solve the problem. Please don't try to shut down the conversation.