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Funkmaster Rick

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Everything posted by Funkmaster Rick

  1. Funkmaster Rick

    Atmosphere through Dynamic Events

    I suspect that many of the things you're talking about are meant to be provided by other players, once the systems are refined enough to allow it.
  2. Funkmaster Rick

    Killed by Hacker, share your experience.

    A sense of power, is the general consensus.
  3. Funkmaster Rick

    Why are all spawns west of elektro still removed?

    The west side of the map has plenty of player interaction. It just tends to be the unfriendly sort. You've got a bit of a point about the loot paths, though: people tend to follow the roads. They don't have to, but it's the easy thing to do, so most of the population do it. Personally, I've found it takes a little work to stay alive lately, enough so that I actually died of cholera not to far back. I recommend building yourself a bow and navigating the woodlands. Shoot yourself some food along the way and you'll be healthy by the time you arrive at NWAF.
  4. Funkmaster Rick

    Spread out the spawns...please

  5. Funkmaster Rick

    Look this Devs some inspiration from indies :D

    You know, I had a chance to actually enjoy some darkness in DayZ recently. Took a car down the backroads to the west, from Kamenka area up to almost Zelenogorsk before some wonky physics on the new roads turned my car into an alien spaceship. Point is, the dark was actually pretty good - going down barely-visible dirt paths with your headlights as the only real lightsource was pretty slick.
  6. Funkmaster Rick

    DayZ FB hate

    Hey, I got shot in the face at a military checkpoint a few days back. Game's still alive, chummers.
  7. Funkmaster Rick

    Why are all spawns west of elektro still removed?

    You can still go to Balota and Cherno to find PvP if that's what you're after. You're just going to have to work a little harder at it. Try out some PvP in Berezino or Dolina sometime; it's a little more restricted than the areas you were talking about, but that just means that your enemies might actually have a chance to escape rather than having to run across open terrain while you plink at them with a scoped rifle.
  8. Suing people for taking your idea, altering it a bit, and then running with it would stifle any creativity in the market. There needs to be ample wiggle room in any artistic field to allow experimentation and creative recycling, or there can't be art.
  9. Funkmaster Rick

    3PP vs 1PP - I finally have an opinion

    Chivalry: Medieval Warfare. The entire premise is based on that. I mean, there's a third-person view, but I've never used it and suspect nobody else does either. I suspect this because I've never had an archer pop out from behind cover and instantly shoot me because he knew where I was before he even peeked. However, the game is old by now. The remaining players are largely veterans, though from time to time I see a few new faces. Also, stay away from the Deadliest Warrior expansion; it's crap.
  10. Funkmaster Rick


    If OP wanted a refund, he could have sent a private message. Posting it as a thread in the most popular section of the public forums means either he's trolling, or he thinks that airing his grievance in public will somehow help his case.
  11. Funkmaster Rick

    Status Report, RE: soft skills

    I dislike this system as initially presented - not because it makes specialization harder, but because it may very well end up forcing specialization. If I end up doing a lot of rough tasks because that's just what the day happened to present me with, it seems like I might get penalized when I later decide to do some fine tasks in the same category.
  12. Funkmaster Rick


    How is the atmosphere in that discord channel? I've met enough DayZ players in-game to be hesitant to interact with them out-of-game.
  13. Funkmaster Rick

    Dear Santa...

    Give the zombies santa hats and sacks of swag. When they clip through doors, walls, and floors, tell everyone they came in through the chimney.
  14. Funkmaster Rick

    What Makes PVP Fun?

    Sometimes the hand of cards you're dealt is a 500m+ headshot from a ghillie sniper. Personally, I find it rather difficult to play with that hand.
  15. Funkmaster Rick

    2 story Camo Building

    I'm sad that they haven't put a "This Building is Glitched" sign on them in-game as a temporary fix. Some forum regulars don't even know you're 'not supposed to go in there for now.'
  16. I like the idea of more military checkpoints for evacuation. It's awesome. It really contributes to the story and the ambience of the game. The fact that the West of the map is so empty is just icing on the cake - I didn't much like the neighbours there, anyway, always shooting guns and squeaking the sorts of things 12-year-olds think is entertainingly offensive. More coastal KoS is a small price to pay.
  17. Funkmaster Rick

    Character maneuver

    lol "I haven't played in forever, and I've discovered so many new things! But my brief playthrough managed to uncover one flaw so of course I came here to tell everyone." I can't take you seriously when you're recommending they license a new game engine. There's a reason they've been building and modifying their own engine. In fact, you have to be a bit of an asshole to recommend they license an engine after all the work they've put into Enfusion. There just isn't an engine out there that can do what DayZ needs. DayZ is too different. DayZ is too unique. In your entire post, you make it as far as three sentences with good things to say before you turn it into a complaint rant.
  18. Google doesn't mind wasting its time trying to troubleshoot problems with almost no information. You should probably ask google.
  19. Funkmaster Rick

    multiple monitor issues in exp

    This is the General Discussion forum. You want Bug Reporting.
  20. Funkmaster Rick

    Cammo military building.

    DayZ is in an interesting situation where this is not true: Bohemia sold something like ten million copies in the first week and entirely readjusted their plan to accommodate the sudden influx of money. They've sold more copies since. The money is already there; new blood is not actually required to finish the game or even to finish it properly. The advertising that streamers do by playing this game is not required to keep this game self-sustaining. The extant community and word-of-mouth is enough to support this game for a long time.
  21. Funkmaster Rick

    First Aid Kit storage capacity

    @General Zod @Zing Freelancer Clearly, whichever one of you posts last wins the argument and saves DayZ forver. Good luck.
  22. Funkmaster Rick

    Cammo military building.

    That is debatable. In fact, streamers in general are a divisive issue to talk about in DayZ. Why? Well, I'm going to use Sacriel as an example here since he's the only one I watched more than a smattering of. I don't think he streams much DayZ these days, so hopefully he won't be offended. Let's examine his previous MO: He logs into the game with his squad (never travels alone, as far as I can tell), frequently (but not always) gets his gear for free either from his squad or their kills or a viewer sacrifices their gear to be nice, and then he spends the majority of the stream hunting and killing people. He never gives anyone a chance to surrender and only lets them run away if they manage to lose him. He has a kill/death ratio on the stream overlay. He fights all day, takes no prisoners, his small group frequently ambushes lone survivors, and he kicks ass at it. He's good. He's got a solid understand of small infantry tactics and he plays smart. Consider, however, that what he's practising is essentially group KoS banditry, the kind many of us have been railing against for years. And he's practising this KoS style - making it look good, no less - on a popular Twitch channel that's bound to bring in new DayZ customers. I'm sure Bohemia doesn't mind the extra income from new purchases, but I can assure you that there are a lot of us players who did mind the influx of KoS bandits that these Twitch streamers brought into the game. It has been an ongoing contribution to the KoS 'problem' that many of us perceive. Sacriel seems like an alright guy and he's clearly doing the smart thing for his stream (since nobody wants to watch a couple of hours of someone crafting improvised clothes and trying to heal people), but it did have a noticeable and arguably negative impact on the community. Again, consider that the negativity of this is largely opinion. I know I share this opinion with others, but it's still just opinion. I imagine Lirik is probably less KoS- and more socially-oriented. He's probably a credit to the DayZ community in the sense that I suspect he does not promote KoS as the primary or only playstyle. But some of us still feel a stigma when we talk about streamers at all because of how a lot of streamers fed off the emerging popularity of the DayZ SA for a long time while bringing people into the community who didn't know the history of DayZ and thought the game was literally just looting then killing people. They didn't know any better because all they'd seen was streamers doing the same.
  23. Funkmaster Rick

    Leg Injuries

    This sounds like the kind of guy you don't want to meet in-game.
  24. Funkmaster Rick

    First Aid Kit storage capacity

    It would be cool if we could mount these medical containers on our belts and thus not only avoid them taking inventory space, but have the medkit show up on our avatars so people might be able to identify a potential medic at a distance.