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Funkmaster Rick

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Everything posted by Funkmaster Rick

  1. This has been the most annoying part of the SA for me so far. A fix would make me smile.
  2. Funkmaster Rick

    Is everyone else finding food?

    I'm having almost no trouble finding food. Except when I'm near the coast - you've got to get at least two towns away from the coast to find loot lately. Also, don't sprint everywhere - jog.
  3. Funkmaster Rick

    Does walking make a difference?

    Anecdotally, jogging seems to make a significant difference for me in terms of efficiency. I consume a lot less water/food per kilometre when jogging, compared to sprinting. I suspect that a lot of the "I can't find any food I'm starving to death" hoopla is just people who still sprint everywhere. I think it's also beneficial in other ways: the slower you're going, the more you notice about what's going on around you, and the less likely you are to attract the eye of someone watching. On the other hand, if you've already been sighted, you might have a higher chance of taking a bullet. =/
  4. Funkmaster Rick

    Large Names BattleEye Kick

    If it's too big, it can't fit in the privates.
  5. Funkmaster Rick

    Slight Shaking Issue?

    I heard there was an old bug with the cold status effect not showing up. Is that still a thing? I get a small but constant shaking. It's a 1pp only server, so I can't check 3pp to see if that makes a difference. It's not a bad enough shake to affect my close- to mid-range aim, though I imagine it would make 300m+ mosin shots a real bitch. I had a couple of fractures on this character, fixed with morphine. No kuru. No cold. Hydrated, energized, healthy. Sound familiar? Do I have to sit in the middle of three active fires like some kind of retard? Do I need more splints? Is a bullet the only solution?
  6. Funkmaster Rick

    Slight Shaking Issue?

    Ah, I see. So my toon is definitely cold, he's just being very Canadian about it and not complaining. EDIT: Confirmed, shaking stopped after lighting two fires. Did not even need to sit near them for more than ten seconds. I think the action of lighting the fire itself somehow fixed the issue, or at least prompted the game to recheck my temperature or something.
  7. Funkmaster Rick

    Truck Tires pops 3 feet away from the tree

    It must be one of those Fangorn trees, screwing you over with its roots.
  8. Funkmaster Rick

    Has the increased difficulty had eny effect on KoS frequency?

    Honestly, it's the clans you really need to avoid - let them have their private servers and KoS eachother.
  9. Funkmaster Rick

    =UN= Community Server | RP Encouraged | Private Hive

    It occurs to me that you might wish to mention the timezone in which your server operates in your original post. 6AM start time is useless without a frame of reference. =p
  10. Funkmaster Rick

    Has the increased difficulty had eny effect on KoS frequency?

    I notice somewhat less KoS behaviour. There is still plenty, but this latest patch made a lot of headway. Perhaps it's only temporary, as players learn how to survive again.
  11. Funkmaster Rick

    Story: A Party Turned Sour

    Sounds like a regular day in the post-apocalyptic wasteland of Chernarus. =/
  12. Funkmaster Rick

    Variation of Buildings has lost their sense

    Once certain areas of the map become specialized in terms of their loot distribution, there will be a place in this game for travelling merchants.
  13. Funkmaster Rick

    @Patch 0.55 Elitists

    I'm loving the 0.55 mega-elite right now. The mega-elite are people who are proud to be playing a game they enjoy, and their morals and virtues prevent them from whining on the forums in the hopes of changing things. They don't worry about semantics and other crap - they just play the game and eat beans and tactical bacon. Right now the game is playable, loot requires lots of effort, and zombies have learned to dance. Yet, if you go into any thread on the forum you will find whiners who just want to control how the game is developed so it caters to their personal needs. It's such a strange way of communicating. "hurr durr i ned moar gunz bcuz im 1337 sniper!11!" Yeah, good for you. Also, I hate how everyone who isn't playing a survival/horror game is somehow a raging psychopath who does nothing but kill his fellow survivors. It's such a lazy and ignorant playstyle. Do people not realize that there are tons of different players? The mega-elite will enjoy this game as the survival/horror it was originally marketed as. And that's great, but you need to realize that there are roleplayers, PvPers, casuals, and 12-year-olds who need to adapt to the DayZ difficulty curve if they want to keep doing what they're doing. Enforcing all playstyles as equally valid and successful is like some kind of video game communism. I don't understand why people seem to be unable to formulate their complaints properly. Most complaints I see are actually about an issue other than the one they purport to be about. It's pure angry criticism or frustration from being unable to control everything. This game is obviously unfinished, so why all the anger? Do people think development on a game as complex as DayZ happens by magic? That's nonsense. Now is the perfect time to offer well-considered, well-worded opinions and analyses. We should point out bugs and legitimate issues instead of complaining. CAPSLOCK MEANS I AM YELLING INSIDE YOUR BRAIN. Forgive me for trying to find new and exciting ways to yell my opinion into the void. SAYING THE GAME SHOULD BE MADE YOUR WAY IS INCREDIBLY DUMB ADDENDUM: Criticism and questioning are fine; they make life interesting. But you use a lot of terms like 'quality of the game' that are entirely subjective. In fact, they might only apply to you and to absolutely nobody else in the world. I get the need to complain, especially if it's a game you love. I get that rabid fanboys who defend a title and its creators are literally so prevalent on the internet that you could power the world for a year with just one day of their frothing, sanctimonious rage. But holy shit, dude, you need to get down off your high horse and get used to the real world. I find 0.55 to be a welcome and refreshing change of pace. It's not perfect, but it's the biggest step towards PvP/Peaceful Interaction parity since the SA was first released. I'm absolutely loving that I can talk to people who are more interested in living through the next couple of hours than shooting me for their Youtube or Twitch videos. This patch has not made things terribly difficult - it has made them diverse. Diversity is the spice of life, and should always be embraced. This patch has not made it more difficult to roleplay, PvP, or anything else. It's only made it more difficult to survive. Welcome to DayZ. Try not to die.
  14. Funkmaster Rick

    waterproofing spray

    The problem with fat is disease and vermin love it, too. Rubbing fat into everything you own is a good way to attract ticks.
  15. Funkmaster Rick

    Army Tent

    Are tents working suddenly?
  16. Funkmaster Rick

    Your favorites OSTs / songs while playing DayZ

    The only music I listen to while playing DayZ is either absolute silence or the crying of children.
  17. Funkmaster Rick

    waterproofing spray

    Yes! The item in question is, I believe, an aerosol, silicon-based solution. It's an ablative solution, so you'll need to reapply seasonally (and more often with heavy use), but it does an admirable (if not complete) job of waterproofing the item in question. Basically, hang your coat on a rack and spray all along the outside. Poof, water slides off. I use it on any fabric-based shoes I own, absolutely every pair. Plus, you know, coats and overalls and other outdoor wear. The particular brand I buy comes in a can just a bit larger than a can of spraypaint. One important question I can't answer off the top of my head is, "Does this stuff have an expiration date?" I don't know how stable the formula actually is over long periods of time.
  18. Funkmaster Rick

    so my 3pp tent server is now 1pp

    I know the 1pp and 3pp shards are different for your character. If the server switched modes, it should only affect your character. However, the server might also have wiped when it switched modes, in which case your tent would be gone. Also, persistence is being a bitch right now, so your tent might be gone. That being said, if the server didn't wipe (and persistence is working properly), your tent and its items should still be there. But again, persistence is not working properly right now, so good luck. =/
  19. Funkmaster Rick

    Can someone please help me understand "persistence"

    That is exactly why you should not play on clan servers, in general. With some research, it's highly possible to find clan servers run well by good folks - the UN-clan seem not to bone around, and I've been on a few others since the SA's release where you can expect fair play and a chance. Most of the clan servers I have personally played on are run more like the majority of servers back in the mod days, where admin abuse runs rampant. The SA hasn't given server owners as many options, but intentionally misleading server names and admin abuse are still rampant on the majority of clan servers - at least, the ones I've seen. Just make sure to research a clan before joining its server. Most times, a quick glance at their webpage will tell you if they're adult or not about their server habits.
  20. Funkmaster Rick

    Wednesday Wipes?

    Today's maintenance has been extended a lot further than usual. Apparently they think they found the persistence issue and need some more time to fix it. https://twitter.com/dayzdevteam Normally it would be over by now, but it was extended to end half an hour from now, and then extended again when they found the issue - so it might be a couple of hours, but you should be fine to play tonight (depending on your timezone).
  21. Funkmaster Rick

    I miss my dot

    I find it less intrusive than the dot. I like.
  22. Funkmaster Rick

    Derringer God Gun?

    There is not delayed recoil animation. It looks to me like what you're seeing is a post-recoil recock of the hammer, or something. It's a two-barrelled weapon that I've never actually handled, so I'm uncertain. But there is a very small and reasonable amount of recoil directly after the shot - the delayed movement is something else.
  23. Funkmaster Rick

    15 apples a day keep the doctor away...

    Seeing apples and interacting with them directly would be a big improvement. Then again, I keep thinking about how difficult it will be to actually get my crosshair onto an apple and interact with it.
  24. Funkmaster Rick

    Geforce Experience - Game cannot be optimized.

    As far as I know, GeForce Experience just can't make heads or tails of DayZ's code. In fact, optimizing DayZ is an experience significantly more difficult and involved than any other game. I would not trust any automated service to properly optimize this game. I recommend you go back to the old trial-and-error. The .cfg files in your documents folder for DayZ have a few settings you can mess with to improve how the game runs. Launch parameters are no longer necessary (and in fact detrimental) as of .54 version. The one thing that helped the most, I think, was modifying my graphics card directly at the software level to interact with DayZ differently than other processes - it was a very specific, exacting process that involved a lot of testing. Alas, I think that that is simply part of the DayZ experience, at this point. The game does not know how to run itself, and needs your help. =/
  25. Funkmaster Rick

    Red or Blue Berries

    I wholeheartedly endorse the effort to get canning and preserving added to DayZ as integral survival mechanics. I'd also like to be allowed to design pictures and create them in-game as labels for my new brand of jams and jellies, which I totally promise will not be made from poisonous berries and the mashed brain-matter from dead bandits.