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Funkmaster Rick

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Everything posted by Funkmaster Rick

  1. Funkmaster Rick

    [0.58] Persistence Breaks Servers

    Maybe there are camps hidden all throughout Cherno. =3
  2. Funkmaster Rick

    Character Reset

    Huh. Well at least the server was nice enough to inform you this time. That's a new one.
  3. Funkmaster Rick

    Faith reaffirmed...

    I tend to play on private 1pp hives. I have a friendly conversation at one of the bases every now and again. Though there's usually only so much to talk about, lots of players seem to appreciate it. Besides, it's good form - he might have buddies around to back him up, so best not to start shit.
  4. Funkmaster Rick

    Player running speed. Dev response appreciated.

    Even mildly unpredictable side-to-side running makes you an extremely difficult target at current speeds. I once convinced a bambi to dance around like that while some scrub with an AK unloaded on him, so I could sneak up on him, then we'd split the gear. I'd offered to drive if necessary, but the bambi only took one bullet out of two clips. narf sped plz
  5. Funkmaster Rick

    The Psychology of Understanding Alpha

    I wonder if a part of the issue isn't just the current wave of pre-alpha grab-and-run games. Maybe people think they need to light a fire under the devs' asses to ensure the game gets finished and they don't just walk with the cash and start a new project? Weird way to look at it given that it's BE and they've already out-lasted a large number of pre-alpha bullshit deals.
  6. Funkmaster Rick

    base building concerns

    This sounds awesome, until said clan grows to such a size that the majority of solo players they run across find it more efficient to simply shoot themselves and spawn a new character rather than submit to whatever petty sadism seems to amuse them. Being held captive, going through some shit, and being release makes for a story. Having a bag on your head and being ignored as chattle the whole time does not make for a good story. I bet you can guess which one I expect we'd see more of.
  7. Funkmaster Rick

    base building concerns

    If you allow freestanding structures, you get shenanigans - roadblocks might be an interesting tactic from time to time, but there will be much trolling. If you allow some structures to be fortified, people will learn their locations and assault them 24/7. Honestly, fortifying existing structures is the only thing that seems to make sense, and even that will almost certainly make walking anywhere near a city an impossible feat - the FPS lag would just be too unbearable. I'm interested to know if they've got any better ideas or solutions.
  8. Funkmaster Rick


    So is this a cleverly-disguised whinge thread? Wait, no, is this a naive-thread? "I like DayZ's current state, but improvement would not be a bad idea." Does this kid not know this game is in alpha? This thread was a waste of resources.
  9. Funkmaster Rick

    DayZ Canadian Soldier Uniform

    Pope's Swiss Guard uniforms coming too, I hope.
  10. Funkmaster Rick

    Sidearms vs SMGs?

    Rick, bro, not having a backpack makes it easier to crawl behind low rock walls without being seen. In some places, you can even hide well in the grass that way. Then there's the real killer point: people are used to seeing silhouettes with backpacks. The most important rule in stealth is to not be where people are looking, but the second-most important rule is to not present a familiar profile - camouflauge comes in multiple colours because at least some of them will match the surroundings, and if the brain thinks that part's background, then that breaks up the human-shaped silhouette, thus not triggering a recognition response. ========================================== As to the OP's original question, when running a sniper build I've found a simple pistol or revolver to be efficient and perfectly serviceable in unintended CQC situations, though only if I'm expecting more than one opponent in a very short duration; close-range headshots with the sniper in question are usually just fine, it's the reload that fucks me over and makes carrying a sidearm that can fire quickly a necessity.
  11. Funkmaster Rick

    Let's discuss about building interiors

    Devs should be lifeb& for not using their magic powers.
  12. Funkmaster Rick


    I want both. Bully for you mate.
  13. Funkmaster Rick

    Food Priority / Devblog 29th of July

    Excellent points there, sir. I didn't know those goddamn cattails were so edible.
  14. Funkmaster Rick

    DayZ really needs more "trash" loot

    DayZ Kart 64. PLEASE!
  15. Funkmaster Rick

    DayZ really needs more "trash" loot

    Trash loot will become a thing much, much later in development. At this point, not only do the servers not have the spare processing power for this, but the devs are only interested in testing out stuff people are actually going to use. Atmosphere comes later. Don't forget that DayZ SA isn't even a 'game' yet in the sense most gamers think of it - it's an alpha build.
  16. Funkmaster Rick


    I'm 98% sure this is one of the many things that's coming, eventually. =)
  17. Funkmaster Rick

    Don't say friendly!

    Saying "Friendly!" upon first meeting someone else in DayZ is much like seeing a cop nearby and instantly saying, "I didn't do it."
  18. Funkmaster Rick

    Set "lock Spawn" to players for 24h

    Increasing respawn timers only punishes bambies, and allows bandits to literally grief someone down till it's not worth playing anymore. It's not a good idea. On the other hand, if we added guard rails to all the tall structures, spawned the players in wearing a retard helmet and fluffy pillows, and put kiddie-covers on all the electrical outlets, we could probably get this problem fixed.
  19. Funkmaster Rick

    Don't allow players to host public servers

    Not letting regular peeps host a public server would place an extra cash-load on the developers. If you've been a gamer as long as I have, you'll notice servers hosted by the developer or publisher shut down as soon as new copies of the game stop getting sold. Best to endure the ghosting and hopping till its fixed.
  20. Funkmaster Rick

    Sidearm Wielding Stance

    Game is not finished till I can hold my gun sideways.
  21. Funkmaster Rick

    Let's discuss about building interiors

    I agree - more work on building environments would be cool. I'm almost certain it's on the list and will be gotten to eventually. There have been notable improvements, small increments over time. Don't hold your breath, but don't despair either.
  22. Funkmaster Rick

    PSA: Game development takes a while, but...

    Ehhhh, there is a lot of toxicity on forums in general. Faceless internet + personality disorders = all kinds of fun. As to why game forums in particular tend to get lots of whiners and angry cads, I might be able to offer a little insight from some customer service experience: I was working the cash at a convenience store here in America's Hat when the laws on cigarettes changed some years back. My manager was kind of unclear on the changes, so I was basically told to ask for ID from everyone while the manager figured out what the changes actually meant. That was not a fun period. The first time a 40-year-old man gets asked for ID in more than a decade, I can understand him being pissed off. They'll sometimes yell, gesticulate wildly, and generally do a good job of ruining your day. It doesn't matter than the cashier isn't responsible for the legal or policy changes; the cashier is there, right now. It's less work than tracking down the people responsible and giving them a piece of your mind. People could e-mail Bohemia Interactive. But there forums are here. Part of it is a search for like-minded individuals so they can start a whole circle-jerk on how they're aggrieved, pat each other on the back for enduring things. The big part of it is how easy it is. Anger makes people feel good, but hard work would diminish that feeling. The forums are here, right now.
  23. Funkmaster Rick

    Thanks you

    Nonono, shh shh, shhhhh. Only good thoughts in this thread.
  24. Funkmaster Rick

    Wednesday maint?

    Fair points. The last time they wiped, I was happy - all the skiddies were using duped weapons with infinite clips and the such. This time, I shall be sad, as I have not seen much hacking in recent weeks. Though I suppose playing on a 1pp private shard has probably biased my vision.
  25. Funkmaster Rick

    TIL that DayZ runs much smoother on Windows 10.

    This is good news! The science will not be delayed as initially expected. Alas, I have yet to find the requisite two hours of free time (combined with the motivation) to read through the EULA entire and investigate all this talk about keylogging and spyware. It seems fairly standard to collect certain kinds of data during testing, as Win10 is, but I need to verify whether there exist any insurances in the EULA as to what happens to the data after release, to whom important personal data like my name is sent to, and all that jazz. Alas, these days it is more and more difficult to trust any corporation's policies.