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Posts posted by obsessivepie

  1. lol col yes you are a hero...it shows bro, heres a tip crouching doesnt really doesn't help against players or snipers unless you're crouching to hide behind cover like a bush.

    Just in case you missed it that guy that was laying prone had logged out right after I shot at him. The guy who came up the ladder was the same player so he was obviously a fresh spawn, he spawned in elektro to revenge kill me and had his sniper friend watching me which is why I never got up to shoot him.

    The lee enfield is generally a 1 shot kill and even if that guy had poked his head up to shoot me he would have had a split second before I got from behind the bushes to behind that wrecked vehicle which was only around 20m away.

    If you are a better bandit then me prove it I bet you can't even get 10 bandit kills without dying

  2. You're teaching bambis to kill on sight, fuck you. That and the fact that you tell them to run straight through zombies and not avoid them proves in the first two sentences that this "guide" is a joke.

    I never said to run straight through zombies...being tactful and stealthy might serve you if other players are nearby but if you actually know how to play dayz zombies are a joke, I could make a video right now showing me kill 50 zombies at once with a hatchet if you'd like and it is a bandit guide so what did you expect lol

    I don't think a guide is required even for a new player and all required information is available on dayzdb or wiki. Also why kill on sight? Why not instead show ways to take someone hostage and loot them without killing them or injure them and leave them or lay traps for other players or use other players to distract the infected and escape without taking damage or any other countless possibilities to be a bandit (i.e. kill other players) and display skill at the same time. Make it interesting for both players. Also pick up the loot of the killed player, where is that statement in your so called guide.

    I agree kos is a good strategy against someone with better weapon than you, and should not be portrayed as a universal bandit move, but one of the bandit moves.

    It's a basic guide, I think I said the word basic like 3 times in my guide, its meant for players who know pretty much nothing or want to learn a bit more, they can choose to ignore the bandit parts like I even said in the guide. Theres also different degrees of bandits, I kill everyone although sometimes as you say I will kidnap/rob other players and let them live. Tactics and strategy would come in another guide not in one showing what a jerry can looks like and what it does I don't have alot of time to work on this. And yeah you're right about finding all this info on other sites but my guide is more simplified and can easily be read within minutes whereas alot of other guides just seem bloated to me.

    Guide is bullshit:

    1. Kamenka isn't listed in "places you want to spawn at"

    umm okay kamenka is like the shittiest spawn in the game the only useful thing about a kamenka spawn would be searching for camps along the west side of the map

    2. You're teaching new players glitches/exploits


    3. "meat from animals will heal you for 800." Invalid, there are different types of meat; some of which heal more than others.

    I added that part a few weeks ago before the patch came out changing different meat, i'll have to fix it

    4. "Fork = how hungry you are" It has a butterknife looking thing right next to the god damn fork too, are you not going to give the butterknife credit?


    5. "Jug = how thirsty you are" it's called a canteen.

    ok, thanks for pointing that out

    6. The Enfield in your guide has a bayonet, while the one in game does not. Are you TRYING to confuse new players?

    I didn't make this for retards, it might confuse you though

    7. You say the 1911 is similar to the makarov, yet it performs the same as the revolver.


    8. About the Enfield: "it is almost always a one hit kill if you hit the player in the chest" Bullshit. Just bullshit, nothing more.

    watch my bandit videos if you think it's not a one hit kill, a direct chest shot from less than 50m is almost always a one hit kill

    9. You didn't include what the high value barracks look like under "military buildings"

    i'll have to include it but I don't know what building you're referring to unless it's the ones at northwest airfield but i've never found anything useful in those barracks.

    10. "Rule #1 Shoot First, ask questions later" people like you ruin this game

    this is where you revealed yourself, this guide is for bandits bro not carebears if you didn't notice BANDIT EDITION on the title...jesus some people are idiots

    11. "Also sneaking around zombies is for retards, real men run everywhere" yes, and these "real men" end up getting shot in the chest by my double barreled shotgun. I guarantee, the sneaky one will always outlast the bold one.

    guarantee I would own you, double barrel is a garbage weapon i'm surprised you would even mention it

    Re-write your guide. -1.35855e+006(your humanity)/10, would not recommend to new players.

    once again talking about me being a bandit, really bro if you hate bandits this much why even bother posting, pretty much all your points were out of rage/trolling a jug is called a canteen...okay people can still understand what I said but you're like that guy who always corrects someone even though you knew what they meant, where i'm from jug/canteen is pretty much the same but you gotta be douche bag steve riiiight

  3. Hello!

    There is something that bothers me. No, not what you thougt. It's not you bandits. It's the question why people decide to be bandits. From the "How I became a bandit" thread I read some storys where people just were out to kill other players. But I don't understand why? If you are here for the kills, why don't you play something else? Some Game that is about fighting other players.

    In DayZ you barely encounter other players, if you're not roaming Cherno or Elektro, and most of the Players you encounter are coming freshly from the spawnpoints. Most do not have gear worth even the ammunition, so there is no reward. Not even a fight since most times it works with killing someone from a hiding place that haven't even noticed you are there.

    When I heard of this game I thought it was about surviving the zombie apocalypse, not about some strange war between mad gunslingers. I heard something like " you can never know wether someone betrays you or not". Well... I wasn't betrayed ever. Every Player I spot seems to just kill on sight. No matter the attracted Zombies or that I even look like I have something useful for them. I was even shot shortly after respawning, carrying no gun and having only my coyote backpack. And that kill is the only one that ever bothered me because that just didn't make any sense at all.

    So please answer my question so I can finally rest. Why playing DayZ when it only seems to be about the kills?

    When I first started playing dayz I was a normal bambi just like everyone else, until I was butchered over and over again by other players, even survivors that didn't have a bandit skin would murder me or try to steal my stuff, after awhile I just decided to start murdering everyone I saw and eventually my karma ended up at around -1.5 mil but a bit before that around -900k I joined a good clan and we would all murder people with our choppers and do drive bys almost everyday. It's alot more thrilling to kill a real player than killing a glitched out zombie.
