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About obsessivepie

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. obsessivepie

    DayZ Newb Guide

    lol col yes you are a hero...it shows bro, heres a tip crouching doesnt really doesn't help against players or snipers unless you're crouching to hide behind cover like a bush. Just in case you missed it that guy that was laying prone had logged out right after I shot at him. The guy who came up the ladder was the same player so he was obviously a fresh spawn, he spawned in elektro to revenge kill me and had his sniper friend watching me which is why I never got up to shoot him. The lee enfield is generally a 1 shot kill and even if that guy had poked his head up to shoot me he would have had a split second before I got from behind the bushes to behind that wrecked vehicle which was only around 20m away. If you are a better bandit then me prove it I bet you can't even get 10 bandit kills without dying
  2. obsessivepie

    DayZ Newb Guide

    While I was hunting this guy down I thought of you http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJNct3Jlex0
  3. obsessivepie

    DayZ Newb Guide

    I never said to run straight through zombies...being tactful and stealthy might serve you if other players are nearby but if you actually know how to play dayz zombies are a joke, I could make a video right now showing me kill 50 zombies at once with a hatchet if you'd like and it is a bandit guide so what did you expect lol It's a basic guide, I think I said the word basic like 3 times in my guide, its meant for players who know pretty much nothing or want to learn a bit more, they can choose to ignore the bandit parts like I even said in the guide. Theres also different degrees of bandits, I kill everyone although sometimes as you say I will kidnap/rob other players and let them live. Tactics and strategy would come in another guide not in one showing what a jerry can looks like and what it does I don't have alot of time to work on this. And yeah you're right about finding all this info on other sites but my guide is more simplified and can easily be read within minutes whereas alot of other guides just seem bloated to me.
  4. obsessivepie

    Why banditing?

    When I first started playing dayz I was a normal bambi just like everyone else, until I was butchered over and over again by other players, even survivors that didn't have a bandit skin would murder me or try to steal my stuff, after awhile I just decided to start murdering everyone I saw and eventually my karma ended up at around -1.5 mil but a bit before that around -900k I joined a good clan and we would all murder people with our choppers and do drive bys almost everyday. It's alot more thrilling to kill a real player than killing a glitched out zombie.
  5. obsessivepie

    DayZ Newb Guide

    hey guys just thought i'd share this guide ive been working on for a couple days off and on it's mostly bandit oriented, I tried posting this on reddit but all the carebears got mad. http://newbguides.wordpress.com