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Everything posted by n00bl0r14n

  1. n00bl0r14n

    My character won't save

    Thx for the quick reply. I have been advoiding the private/whitelist servers and been on public servers. Always started fresh. Any pros and cons about the launchers?
  2. n00bl0r14n

    Infected Animals

    Would be fun if an zed would "accidently" bite an animal and get infected, when the player sees the animal: "Oh, getting some grilled food tonight." then it attacks the player and the herbivoure becomes a carnivoure. The "zombie" meat should ofc differ from normal grilled meat. EDIT: What about zombie meat from the zeds or canabalism from players? It's doable and survival.
  3. n00bl0r14n

    Introduce yourselves

    Greetings! I'm n00bl0r14n (also ign) I'm an electronic assembler, car mechanic and studying for heavy logistics (dunno the english name for it but it allows me to drive a 25,25m long, 60tons and 4,2m high truck combination and got the proper education to drive almost every goods type). I like playing different games like mmo fps/rpg and DayZ is one of my favorites, In DayZ I like to survive and help other, but goto be carful who I team up with because this is the survival of the fittest. I'm friendly but if I see a bandit I take no chance I attack if possible. EDIT: P.S. Where did my profile pic come from? D.S.