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Private Pop-Tarts

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About Private Pop-Tarts

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Private Pop-Tarts

    Tell me your best kill...

    The other day as I was playing on a private hive server with many vehicles.. As two of my other teammates and I were making our way back to our camp, out of no where there is an escalade behind us. While looking behind us in third person I crash into a bush, slightly damaging my engine. Then two people get out and shoot our car blowing it up and killing my two teammates.. yet somehow I survived with my life. I then ran to nearby trees and began to look around for the people. Thinking these guys were hackers I didn't think I would find them, but as I was just about to leave the area I saw a player running in the field. I took position in a tree and blended in very well with my ghillie suit, then took him out with my G36K. Next I begin to look for other players because I know they wouldn't just leave without that guys stuff. Out of the corner of my eye I see some zombies attempting to hit something in a bush, so I begin to unload on it. Just after I see a kill message, the escalade comes out of no where and tries to escape, I say OH HEYULL NAH!! and start blazing that car with everything I had. I begin to run at the car and notice that the person driving the car was dead on the ground. I just avenged my two teamates, got us a new/better car, and some new gear. And the best part... I recorded all of it, it'll probably be on youtube soon! DON'T FUCK WITH THE BUNNY BRIGADE!