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About bigdaddy2510

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  1. bigdaddy2510

    Still waiting for character to create

    i found it thank you that got it working for me
  2. bigdaddy2510

    waiting for character to load...

    well thats a start, hopefully the problem is slowly getting worked out, i havent been able to try it since this morning and it was still giving same results as last night
  3. bigdaddy2510

    waiting for character to load...

    Shit outta luck
  4. bigdaddy2510

    waiting for character to load...

    thats awesome... so we are basically SOL
  5. bigdaddy2510

    waiting for character to load...

    are they going to do anything about it that you know of?
  6. bigdaddy2510

    Missing 'Chernarus'

    i had that problem to and am still have the creating character problem, but i fixed the chernarus problem by pasting the arma 2 addons folder in the OA folder
  7. just downloaded game and went through everything to install it and battleye multiple times, i want to know why its not starting because im not the only one its happening to, if there are any moderators or staff member out there please helpp!!!!
  8. bigdaddy2510

    Still waiting for character to create

    i have and i really hope that its just the system acting up at the moment because i dont see any other post like this besides today, if not then i guess we all just spent 30 bucks for nothing...
  9. bigdaddy2510

    Still waiting for character to create

    i would agree, im having the exact same problem and i bought the game just to play this mod, it is pretty frustrating when many people are having simalar problems and no one seems to have an answer. im having to ask myself were are the moderators and owners? we really need some help...
  10. bigdaddy2510

    Zombie Bosses,

    I think it would be cool if you were just wondering threw a town and happen to come across a very large zombie "boss" say a human that was a body builder and got infected, this zombie would be harder to kill and deals out more damage but as a reward for killing it there would be some pretty valuable loot to pick up. it would give the game a little bit more purpose to the game, and some more chalenges. :)
  11. bigdaddy2510

    "Waiting for server response"

    Is it just kicking you out just befor you joined? cause i just downloaded the game and it doing that to me and im sure that i installed it rght and it kicks me out and says waiting for character to create
  12. bigdaddy2510

    cant join any servers

    that got me past that error, and im alowed to pick my role in the game as a survivor and then when its just about done loading it kicks me out with no reason why and when it kicks me back to the multiplayer screen it says waiting for character to creat
  13. bigdaddy2510

    cant join any servers

    I tryed that and i had it right, but still nothing has changed, it keeps saying addon 'dayz_code' requires addon 'CAbuildingparts', as soon as i open up CO and then kicks me out of the server just befor i get in saying the chernarus thing every time
  14. bigdaddy2510

    cant join any servers

    I just bought arma 2 and arma 2 OA today on steam, and i followed the instructions given to install the dayz mod exactly, i went over it multiple time and watched the video to install it a bunch. put the files on the armadirectory/@dayz/Addons and unzipped them and everything. yet when i open the game (yes i open arma 2 CO) it will say missing building parts, then when i try to join a server it kicks me out and tell me "you cannot play/edit this mission, it is dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted." chernarus. i really need some help cause i dont remember deleting any files and i am completely lost here.