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Everything posted by ledo1222

  1. I FUCKEN LOVE SPACES AFTER EVERY SENTENCE. What has happen to proper Grammar and shit?
  2. OP don't take it seriously this community is full of Douchbags. I have found a bunch of hacked weapons from joining 50 man servers at night, the literately spawn next to me and offer them, so I take it a Dupe every single weapon I GET. I have 10+ TWS and every single L85. Too bad its all going bye bye, when I shut down my server for good. Also congrats on 1mil Humanity, i keep on getting reset. to fucken 0
  3. ledo1222

    Video - Massive Camp with Server Info

    Pretty bad ass base.
  4. ledo1222

    Skills and more social elements

    Fixed it for you. But very well explained.
  5. ledo1222

    Standardise Things.

    You can restrict what the player can do with his own grafixs, its a ARMA:2 thing. And iv if you manage that, I could always go into my Config files and disable it from there :D
  6. This can be done, other mod have done this, and coding this isent that big of a problume. If you play the ACE, or the PR mod for ARMA:2 they both have a system where you can load objects into crates and load them into trucks.
  7. ledo1222

    Transport Vehicles

    Already in Normal ARMA:2
  8. Happened on my server, i updated the new Battle eye, 2 people joined and BAM Mother fuckers banned.
  9. ledo1222


    Pictures or it dident happen. And how can he report the hacker, if he FOUND THE GENERATOR but not the hacker.
  10. ledo1222


    The joy of reading the Dayz forums, people being complete idiots to each other.
  11. All right EVERYONE clock out the game MAX View distance, and max grafixs and grass, DayZ Already limits the game.
  12. Bohemia Dosen't care DayZ is getting hacked, they are well aware of the security system and see that no other mod consist of so many hackers, besides DayZ. This "Hacking" has be around since Day 1 of ARMA:2 Launch. This petition will not pass nor will it go past 6 pages. The Normal ARMA:2 Community has already overcome this by having there own anti cheats on servers and keeping tracks of every login to there servers. INB4TROLLS Like me
  13. The Human eye is meant to detect moving targets, if a target is stationary, or hiding in a bush he can be invisble to you tell your within the 2 meters of him, but considering how DayZ grass view distance is there pretty much pointless at long range, open field, but works in forested areas, but its amazing once the enemy is 10 meters from you.
  14. ledo1222

    Bring DayZ to console aswell!

    Its a fucken "MOD" for PC game. So it can't happen. can this thread be closed?
  15. ledo1222

    Your ideas for the future of this game?

    Hafe this stuff is in the base ARMA:2 game. you should try it out!
  16. ledo1222

    Whats are the best guns on dayZ?

    What ever kill people Quickly and Quietly. But if you mean High Tier guns. -.50 Barret -AS50 -M4 Aimpoint Silenced. That what i assume are high tier. But heres a link to the wiki. http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons Welcome to the fourms, enjoy your stay.
  17. ledo1222

    DayZ Police Force

    I know :P If you want you can police on my server if you have extra personal.
  18. ledo1222


    Why do people not understand this is a "MOD" that is still under alpha? Fucken ALPHA the worst possible playing stage of any game/Mod. But what do we expect when this generation was spoon fed to them, and they just want more more each day. No one is happy these days. If a game has something they don't want or like they go mad because there butt hurt over it. I AM QUITING THIS PARODY OF A GAME Wtf how is this game a parody of anygame, do you mean ARMA:2? Witch are different. Now can you go to bed, its past your time.
  19. ledo1222

    DayZ Police Force

    Oh great now im actually going to get pulled over fore driving all over the road D:< I can only imagain. "Sir why where you going 110 on a 40 KM road?" "Well um i don't know"
  20. ledo1222

    Take out .50 cals

    Hohohowhowh Right on the money my friend, this is why people don't want those guns.
  21. How classic, sad troll is sad.
  22. ledo1222

    Permanently Stuck In Unconscious

    I know that feel bro.
  23. What? Do you understand the post? Dear god these fourms are filled with more ****** then I a summed.
  24. Sol is a typical forums attention whore, he post stuff everyone has heard before and states at the bottom at the post he will get flames and troll, hencing what he wants from this thread. QQ Sun and stop Putting your signature at the bottom of your post your name is onto of your post.
  25. ledo1222

    Im done for now

    When i was 5 a door slammed into my foot, the bone broke. shit happens dog.