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Everything posted by UberWiggett

  1. UberWiggett

    DayZ Mod Update

    Further to my previous, the two minute timer is far more amicable. Maybe too short a time but will see how it plays. I'm also really looking forward to the standalone, is the z changes a test to see how they should be implemented in standalone?
  2. UberWiggett

    DayZ Mod Update

    My two cents on the update... I hate the zombie changes. Not all of them, primarily the spawn rate, you know, the rate that means as soon as you kill one another takes it's place in that abandoned farm :/ I bought a server to play the game away from the admin hunters who shoot on sight, the zombies feel like they were buffed to bring them back up as the major threat and stop KOS... But most of the KOS was done by experienced players who shoot from a safe vantage point, and with the z's too hard to kill a new player has very little chance of living. Teamwork has now become less likely, because while you can trust the noob friend not to kill you, you can't trust them not to aggro the town and kill everyone. It doesn't promote co-operative play really, it does support the lone wolf stuff but why have multiplayer at all then? A squad of survivors should be able to clear out a location of z's and loot with relative safety without worrying about running around and grabbing whatever the buggy game can put in their pack quick enough before a zombie jumps them. If there is no safety you can achieve in the game, what's the point of playing? I like how unforgiving dayz can be, but there needs to be a payoff.