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Everything posted by EclipseGaming

  1. Hey any one looking for a good private hive server on Dayz check out US 592 The Walking Dead. We are protected by TSW Anti-Hack, have more vehicles, auto refueling, removed blockades in the roads, new buildings, and friendly admins. We would love to see you guys there. Our Server Info Server Ip: Or you can search for US 592 Our Website: www.eg-dayz.enjin.com Our Teamspeak 3 Server: Our Server Features Roadblock Free City's & Towns & Roads. Vehicle Limit 150+ Custom Building around the map. Full Moon Night's Auto-Refueling at Fuel Tanks & Gas Pumps. Custom Debug Monitor. Custom Starting Gear. Keep up-to-date on our website for more updates and info
  2. Greeting Everyone. Im here to day to advert our dayz Origins server, If you are unsure what the mods are you can find helpful links below DayZ Origins : http://www.dayzorigins.com Our DayZ Origins server setting are as followed below Our Server Location: USA Our server is on a SSD hard drive, Boosts are loading times. We have auto server restarts every 8 hours. We have go cheat protection and we have a good active admin group. Our server runs on Origins 1.7.1 Our Recruit Server Settings 3rd Person: Enabled. Cross Hairs: Enabled. Waypoints: Enabled. Side Chat: Enabled. Our Server Rules The use of any cheats, hacks, scripts, bots is strictly forbidden. (we have a zero tolerance for hackers & Them who cant follow our server rules) Do not combat log. Please only English in side chat only! Please respect our admins and other players on the server. No use of voice chat over side chat. Server Info Our Server Address is : We also have a teamspeak server: Our Website : www.eg-dayz.info.
  3. We are a new server offering you a server to play on. We are a Community Gaming Server, We want to keep it to vanilla dayz as much as we can. Some server info below Server Name: DayZ - EclipseGaming|Chernarus. Server Patch:|101480. 3rd Person View: On. Cross Hair: Off. Way points: Off. Difficulty: Veteran. We allow players to talk in side chat. As long as there not making dumb sounds or spamming (voice/music/game sounds). Hackers/Scripters ARE NOT WELCOME! You will be removed and blacklisted. We have a teamspeak3 server if you would like to use that: tos-dayz.teamspeak3.com Our Server Ip is: or you can search for EclipseGaming