Greeting Everyone. Im here to day to advert our dayz Origins server, If you are unsure what the mods are you can find helpful links below DayZ Origins : Our DayZ Origins server setting are as followed below Our Server Location: USA Our server is on a SSD hard drive, Boosts are loading times. We have auto server restarts every 8 hours. We have go cheat protection and we have a good active admin group. Our server runs on Origins 1.7.1 Our Recruit Server Settings 3rd Person: Enabled. Cross Hairs: Enabled. Waypoints: Enabled. Side Chat: Enabled. Our Server Rules The use of any cheats, hacks, scripts, bots is strictly forbidden. (we have a zero tolerance for hackers & Them who cant follow our server rules) Do not combat log. Please only English in side chat only! Please respect our admins and other players on the server. No use of voice chat over side chat. Server Info Our Server Address is : We also have a teamspeak server: Our Website :