I know I am new to the game, but I have done tons of research on this game and I know how most things work. Unfortunately, I do not like being a lone wolf, it depresses me not being able to have someone to play with, mainly due to the zombies and bandits around. I'm kind, in my mid teens and have a deep voice so I am not a sqeaker to anyone. Do not worry about me betraying you in any way! I am new and I do not have the balls to betray some, heh :) Here are my specs. Name: Tyler Age: 16, about to be 17 Skype: almightyelf123 Calmness during a dangerous situation: Average, I can handle most in game scenarios. Trustworthy: Yes, I am as trustworthy as most come on games like this. If you have a skype and are also wanting a playing partner, add me, or post your name here and I'll add you. Cheers and happy surviving! -Tyler/ Flyingdiddy