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Stoned Orangutan

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Everything posted by Stoned Orangutan

  1. Stoned Orangutan

    Locking Car Doors

    False. All I need is flathhead screw driver and a hammer to break into any car made before the 90s and any car in the early 90's :)
  2. Stoned Orangutan

    Lock a car, break window to steal

    You don't really need a tool-kit to hot-wire a car. Depends on the car :D also older cars all you need is a flat head screw driver to open the door and ignition. Well a hammer and a flathead screw driver
  3. Stoned Orangutan

    Ability to milk cows and get a bottle of milk

    This thread made me laugh,thanks OP
  4. Stoned Orangutan

    Diving, Underwater Bases/Caves and Water Vehicle's

    TL,DR Yeah Diving would be cool. You can dive without scuba gear but you have limited time underwater before you start to drown
  5. Stoned Orangutan

    Niko Bellic easter egg

    On je srpski Not a Russian.
  6. Stoned Orangutan

    Make banditry be punished

    No! Don't add this feature. It's plain stupid
  7. I cannot tell you the amount of times me and my mate's have gotten gunned down without even being talked to just for having the bandit skin. It's ridiculous, they always think you will just gun them down for no reason like some bandit's do. Anyone else had a similar experience?
  8. Stoned Orangutan

    Capturing a zombie

    TL,DR inb4 walking dead
  9. Stoned Orangutan

    Hip Firing vs. Aiming down the sights

    Why the flying fuck did you no scope him? This isn't CoD, aim down your sight's next time.
  10. Stoned Orangutan

    Long walks on the beaches of Cherno?

    Im a strict bandit but I can play with you
  11. Stoned Orangutan

    108 days and still no friends. :(

    you an alone
  12. Stoned Orangutan


    TL,DR Sure headlamps beat a flash light.
  13. Stoned Orangutan

    wild tamable animals and wild life in general

    This isn't MC fuck outta here. Wild animals sure but taming? No
  14. Stoned Orangutan

    Illegal drugs

    yeee nigga imma smoke a fatty while shootin a zombie. Lol sure drug's could be somewhat useful in certain situations but at a cost.
  15. Stoned Orangutan

    Ever gotten killed just for having the bandit skin?

    Jesus christ a brony? Cool. Man every where I go I hear bambi it's like an infection.
  16. Stoned Orangutan

    DayZ Hunger Games - Want to take part?

    Im interested. If it 's free
  17. Stoned Orangutan

    Hip Firing vs. Aiming down the sights

    TL,DR I hip fire if you are closer then 20M otherwise if you're farther I will use short bursts and aim down the sights.
  18. Stoned Orangutan

    DayZ Like Game iOS & Android Devices!

    Oh god don't it will turn out like shit. I.E WarZ
  19. Stoned Orangutan


    I can shoot you 200M away before you can punch me. It could be in the game just useless against firearms.
  20. Would join but 1. Clan tag no 2. Im a bandit 3. Unoriginal name. :)