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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So basically you were exploiting a glitch, and you ended up with more glitched gear? What do you want a fucking medal?
  2. and that, gentlemen, is the definition of 'shitposting'
  3. It happens, also "hidden" is fairly impossible in this game, there will always be people roaming around and bumping into your "hidden" vehicles.
  4. as OP as being able to see heat signatures is. To be honest though, if the person has isn't just walking around with it stuck to his eye, and has the forethought to lay in a position to actually catch you in a thermal sweep, chances are you would be dead even if he had a marakov. Its not for scrubs. tldr= People who know how to use it, will smash.
  5. When alt f4 gets a fix, banditry will take on a new face. Untill then, the first you will hear from me, is your bones breaking and the unconscious meter slapping you across the nugget.
  6. And there you have it, winner by knockout AUGE +1 to shitcan these fools.
  7. Someone call the police, its clear this gentleman is trying to kill me via facepalms.
  8. using my 100th post to say; PLEASE don't SPEAK for me you little ATTENTIONWHORE. this is ALPHA, updates will be coming OFTEN, and you will have to DEAL with it. THANKYOU for YOUR TIME SIR.
  9. This idiot did. It is possible, its just utilized by two types of people; Idiots Codplayers.
  10. oh its physically possible, but science says you are more likely to get stuck by lightning while kicking the lock ness monster in the balls than to hit a man sized target playing "street thugz" with two pistols.
  11. You also realise the only time in history that people used 'dual wielding' was in the wild west when pistols only carried 6 rounds. Even then, they still only fired one gun till empty and passed the other to the shooters strong hand, effectively doubling their rounds. John Woo has fucking ruined people.
  12. Calling bullshit here. If you have ever fired a pistol you would know why dual wielding would be completely and totally useless.
  13. Nice ammo swap there, refilling DMR mags that way is an EXPLOIT. Good to see you are dumb enough to post video of yourself being a over-excitable manchild and a cheat on the net. ^__~
  14. A mr lee enfield wants to have a word with you.
  15. So, you want kind souls, on every server to run to NW to find you.... *squint* GLORIOUS TRAP SIR.
  16. Another post that if I facepalmed any harder my children would be born with broken noses Duel wielding pistols isn't a real thing. * * This isn't the wild west.
  17. If I facepalmed any harder my children will be born with broken noses. :rolleyes:
  18. Christ, hasn't this emotional banshee quit yet? :rolleyes:
  19. What he said! Sticky plx. :D
  20. ARMA 3 engine, Nothing else has the capability needed for...... everything that makes this mod this mod.
  21. Also, people should bind their surrender keys....