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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. So basically, this entire thread is one moron trying to show how 'badass' he is, but gets called out as a dogshit player using a hacked weapon, gets owned by bronies (of all fucking things) and spends the rest of it defending himself? lol. I <3 you community.
  2. Hi! Chopper spawns on Skalisty. Sometimes it spawns fully repaired just needing fuel. ^__~ Just a hint.
  3. Arma Engine on console? Lmao, Couldn't think of anything more horrible.
  4. Hi! server admin here, We regularly ban for hacked weapons, dumbshit, Read up on rules please before posting.
  5. LoL, check into http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/forum/18-ban-appeals/ here.
  6. I smash out zombie kills every life, Make it to the top of the scoreboard, and then smash out some more.
  7. Havent been banned yet, have new version, Havent picked up a hacked item either. Suddenly people running around with hacked gear because 'they didn't script it in' don't seem so fucking smug :D
  8. Sounds like someone crashed their shit and is throwing a tantrum!
  9. ^that is the most ironic facepalm of 2012.
  10. Yes, because an opinion on a topic means im tall, have muscles and a Harley. What are you 12 years old? Sling your hook you cretin.
  11. Its clear op's post sailed over your head. *smh* bronies man... bronies.
  12. Turned bandit, backpack disappeared, Huge bonus, as its a cyote backpack :D (the disappearance is only graphical). Haters be hatin.
  13. I see you from 800M+ with heat scope. If im on a server with nametags on, ANYTHING bronie related gets 4 in the chest. If no nametags and your armed, 3 to the chest, If bronie related name appears in killlist? Head to the cost for camp. *nods*. Disgusting bronies.
  14. Yes I read your ill informed whine about how to fix everything. Son, A DB wipe would do nothing against hackers and dupers, and simply punish people who have been playing the game as intended. This thing doesn't revolve around you, Son.
  15. *shrug* just pointing out facts. Waiting for standalone will fix most of the problems (due to the fact fixing them now would require breaking arma) A database wipe, would fix, NOTHING. Hackers gonna hack, and heh, Haters, gonna hate. Now on your way. Son.
  16. Sgt.Asshat Member Since 28 Jul 2012 Korax Member Since 29 May 2012 Sit down son. :)
  17. Must admit as much as i hate hackers, You guys were trying to shoot players. So, pretty much, LOL@YOU.
  18. Tldr: wait for standalone.
  19. After seeing the 4chan board, and various other 'bronie' sites. "Grown" men sexualising a childs cartoon? Fucking disgraceful.