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About Chumbo

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. GUID: 8f9e1a8dbf4eef3b257491dbce817f30 InGame name: Chumbo Why you want to join: I have had the pleasure of playing on this server for a few days before requiring Whitelisting and I really enjoy the entire experience. Also, I won't lie, I've put some work into a car and I'd really like to finish it as I'm getting closer to finishing the repairs :) Some information about yourself: Currently, I'm a production artist for a small printing company. I'm looking to make the transition into video game design; I figured that since I love playing games, I've got some good ideas for a game or two of my own and I'd really like to share it with the gaming community. I'm working on a game now but it's a slow process as I'm learning as I'm creating and so far even though it's been the most difficult experience, I really enjoy it so far. On top of just playing games, I really love being able to pay attention to what I think could improve and maybe integrate that into my future (hopefully) game. I've been blessed to have a lovely wife who also loves to play games and we have the best fun when we find a game that we both enjoy that we can play together. I'm hoping that she'll like the standalone version of Day Z...right now I'm already throwing my money at the screen whenever I visit their website! Have you ever used a hack? Not in this game, no. I'm ashamed to admit that I have used a hack in another game and I'm not proud of it but I want to be truthful. That was about 6-7 years ago and I don't remember the game. I've been hack free since :)