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Posts posted by hexik

  1. I think the weapon shouldn't completely break, but the only thing durability could change is how much it jams. So if you want to just run full auto and spam it on a player you have to prepare a lot more and make sure your gun is fully capable of it (which would somewhat decrease pvp) And it also does kind of add a "side quest" it just gives you yet another thing to do instead of saying "Well I have a great gun, good car, lots of food and supplies, now what?" usually the answer to that is to PVP, to counter it you could add jamming. I like the idea of repair kits as well

  2. CZ should be seriously nerfed. The guy that said that the most tension comes from 20m gunfights or interactions was right. Getting shot from 700m isn't tense, just frustrating. However 2 people seeing eachother in the same area with shitty guns deciding if they should fire or not, where to go, what cover to use, etc is WAY more tense. And currently as it is all the PVPers are snipers..myself included

  3. Or, make it so instead of just having to use food when it flashes make you have penaltys over time like:

    70% Food/water, run slower

    50% Food/water lose blood more easily

    25% Unable to sprint as fast (double tap W) + blood drops rapidly if hit

    Blinking = blood loss + cannot run

    just as an example.

    Also, different types of food should cure different levels of hunger.

    They should not all be as effective

    Maybe beans gives 35% food back and meat gives 75, or spaghetti gives 45% etc..

    Same for drinks. Soda could give 35%, water could give 50%, Mountian Dew could give 100% etc

  4. The current system is pretty much just a team based deathmatch with zombie obstacles. I'm a bandit and I have zero incentive to go back to being a survivor because I can just freely kill anyone now and get good gear easily, and even when you are a survivor chances are other survivors are going to kill you anyway because everyone plays as a bandit now. There needs to be a change.

  5. I'm fine with just runners, but when its even the slightest bit laggy and they zig-zag and teleport and do all sorts of erratic movements is where the problem comes in. Walking zombies would fix this, and I think a mix between walking + running would give zombies a bigger threat and provide more tactics and strategy
