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Everything posted by hexik

  1. hexik

    Loosing colors when wounded

    I agree, its pretty annoying how going down to just 11k health you already start to turn gray. It should only start to turn grey at around 6k then get progressively worse from there or else whats the point of even having high graphics if its in black & white all the time? :P
  2. hexik

    Dynamic bandit AI Groups

    No. 1. Server and player performance would drop even more than it already is 2. The only AI should be zombies. All other threats are human induced
  3. hexik

    Auto Login script

    It's in alpha. a launcher isn't exactly the main priority right now
  4. hexik

    Framerate [PLEASE HELP]

    Bump for advice as well phenom 955 x4 6950 4gb ram w7 64 20-45fps
  5. Im stuck at 53 blood and it's not going down. After I got killed I respawned in this hourglass state and it isn't decreasing. I've sat here and waited for 10 minutes and nothing happened. I can't type anything on my keyboard or open up any menu's either. I'm just stuck.
  6. Easier methods of transportation? Like a common mountian bike to be found in major cities or something of that nature? I'm sure we all get sick of walking for hours at a time just to get to somewhere, I think a simple bike would be quite useful and realistic. edit: move to suggestions. my bad
  7. hexik


    Eat a corpse and lose humanity, maybe need to have a knife+matches to do so. Yay or nay?
  8. hexik

    Bicycles. Please.

    I just made a thread about this and it wont let me delete it, but I totally support this idea.
  9. I agree, but I still think there should be some sort of humanity system to let other players know who has awful karma, maybe make their name a different color or put some sort of subtle visual indication? It adds more tension and uncertainty to not know who is "good" or bad, which I think adds to the overall purpose of this mod: emotion.
  10. hexik

    Low FPS

    I think it's pretty common to be at 20-30 fps in this mod. No matter what your system is..
  11. Game purchase. Kickstarter. Studio developed, with good response to the community