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Everything posted by hexik

  1. hexik

    1.5.8 this weekend?

    Rocket is busy doing
  2. I mean sure, more weapons is cool and all.. But we already have a bolt action rifle. Enfield. Why do we need two? what role does it serve?
  3. hexik

    Should I go to the main airfield ?

    I want that map
  4. hexik

    What was your dumbest death?

    I clicked "Respawn" instead of "Options" ....twice.
  5. Tweaking gamma is not a hack. Stop calling it that.
  6. hexik

    I found a Boat.

    Needed gas, yeah. I've found a fishing boat and a little rubber boat with a motor. Both worked
  7. hexik

    Officially hooked

    I have over 150 hours played since I bought it a week ago. Its fun.
  8. hexik

    Panic Mode... Degenerating over time

    Yeah I think it would make sense that the panic sounds were dependent on the number of zombie kills you have
  9. hexik

    [Donation] M38 Mosin Nagant

    Its a good effort, but it looks amateur. Not saying that its awful but if rocket just added every weapon donation he received - good or bad, everything would look out of place quality wise and would just be a mess. I'm no 3D model expert or anything but the texture could use work, the model is decent though
  10. hexik

    Dogs: Discussion

    If it's similar to this it could be cool
  11. hexik

    Server Response

    People really outta be more aware that this is a full fledged ALPHA. There will be problems.
  12. hexik

    personal marker with GPS.

    On some servers you can shift+click, its just a server setting. However I would like it to be like that on ALL servers but only if you are carrying a GPS. Would make them way more valuable.
  13. hexik

    MERGED: changes to inventory system

    I just want the inventory to be changed period. It's awful how it is right now.
  14. Im running the game with a Phenom 2 955 6950 1gb 4gb corsair ram And it runs 20-45 fps on normal. The game kind of lags no matter what specs you have. Buy CPU & ram first, the game is way more cpu intensive .
  15. hexik


    I guess pressing Respawn could do a suicide animation but not really important atm
  16. hexik

    Elite Skins (Survivors and Bandits)

    Why does the skin swap have to happen instantly? Why cant it happen on respawn? woulden't that be a lot easier and less resource intensive?
  17. hexik

    MERGED: Power station/grid

    Wow fuck yes, this would be really cool
  18. hexik

    Why I decided to become a bandit.

    I thought your name said AnalProjection
  19. hexik

    =HA= Heavily Armed

    Confirmed for being cool cats
  20. hexik

    Melee Weapon Petition

    Well, I found this. Just about as much as I can find on any sort of Arma melee..
  21. hexik

    Melee Weapon Petition

    There should be serious repercussions to melee if it ever gets added, such as weapon durability and some kind of infection system where if you get too much blood on you you need meds or an injection or something along those lines.
  22. hexik

    Those of you who are new to arma, look here!

    Would of been interested if it wasn't EU :(