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ck3 (DayZ)

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Everything posted by ck3 (DayZ)

  1. i started playing standalone recently and i'm getting awful fps. here (http://imgur.com/a/yDymU) are my current video settings, which to me seem quite mediocre for my computer. here (http://pcpartpicker.com/b/Hso) is my build. edit: forgot to put the framerates i was getting xP in the country side: averaging about 40-50 fps. in small towns (like Gorka and Polana): i get about 30 fps in big cities (cherno and electro): getting 15-20 fps
  2. ck3 (DayZ)

    Loading screen stuck on 0

    Bump- having the same issue
  3. Ok so before posting a read the rules comment or anything like that, please read this... I have already read LVG's post titled "READ THIS BEFORE POSTING" (or something similar to that). I can't find a single damn thing to fix this, maybe i'm just doing it wrong? The error message: "You cannot play/edit this mission it is dependent on downloadable content. DayZ_vehicles." • i use dayz commander • its only on joining certain servers when i get this message Can somebody explain how to fix this as if you were explaining it to a 5 year old?
  4. As for google, believe me, i tried. i just can't find an answer that really explains it well. i might not be looking hard enough, who knows. I'll try this when i get home today. thanks, sounds like it will work cause i checked the addons folder and didn't see a pbo for vehicles.
  5. Come check us out!!! NuclearDayZ.org is the website! You can find us using DayZ Commander search for "Nuclear" and it is the one with no fog/clouds, no time, etc.
  6. Hey, Sorry that I'm not posting this in the medic forum. It seems like a dumb idea rather than just trying your luck asking for help. Anyways if somebody could give me a transfusion at mogilevka (i have the blood bags) and provide me with some painkillers that'd be great. My skype is carson.wilde
  7. ck3 (DayZ)

    Motor Vehicle Theft

    I agree with steak and potatoes. staying there to try and hijack is your best bet.
  8. ck3 (DayZ)

    Skilled Vs Unskilled bandits

    Agreed +1
  9. ^ sucks but i don't think he cares.
  10. ck3 (DayZ)

    LF Hardcore bandits.

    I like it medium rare.
  11. Does anybody know anything about a DayZ Standalone End Game? Personally I think there are a couple of "end games" that they could add, here are a few. ~ If we get eaten, let us re- animate into zombies for a little while. Either we can opt out after like 5 minutes of zombie life or we can get killed a player. ~ Let us fight some huge boss zombies. Those are just a few ideas. This isn't supposed to be some huge poll or topic, just wondering if I'm the only one who thinks we should have some much larger goal :P
  12. ck3 (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone End Game?

    Zombie boss could be VERY realistic (as far as zombies go towards realism :P ). Mutations are a very realistic thing bro!
  13. I just got raped by a person with one of those. It wasn't like they were right next to me either. It was an urban firefight and he was on top of a building while I was in one of those dock towers (M4 CCO). DING DING Momma rings the dinner bell and I'm dead, if you're a good shot, then a Lee will suit you just fine.
  14. ck3 (DayZ)

    DayZ Standalone End Game?

    Maybe end game isn't the right word, just more like a massive objective besides finding good guns, getting good loot, and getting a chopper or a vehicle.
  15. Is there not a sub forum for the DayZ standalone coming out? I want to have a place where there is tons of news about the game. Can anybody link me to it? Thanks :)
  16. As I quote you Wasteland is being developed / testing launched for Arma 3. It looks great.
  17. I wish the map was way bigger than the actual chernarus that we have now.
  18. ck3 (DayZ)

    Top Heli Spawningpoints

    I find them at the island of the south/ east coast all of the time. Just stock up on parts and jerry cans and heat packs and swim over there and you'll have a huey :thumbsup:
  19. ck3 (DayZ)

    Is there no sub forum for the standalone?

    Thanks I didn't know about that website! You've got my beans :D
  20. ck3 (DayZ)

    Introduce yourselves

    Yo I'm CK3 and I'm SO stoked for DayZ Standalone :)
  21. ck3 (DayZ)

    How does trading in this even work?

    Just wondering, how does trading in this game even work? Do you people just show up somewhere to meet somebody and hope to bloody hell you don't get sniped?