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Everything posted by bonafide

  1. bonafide

    I Lost my Virginity while streaming

    fucking horrible. Grow some balls and stop playing on nametag servers. Learn to calculate distance properly.
  2. Its sure as fuck fun though.
  3. bonafide

    Motivation for being a bandit?

    Its fun to kill people. Especially more-so in a perma-death game like this.
  4. bonafide

    Berezino: The new Cherno...

    Berezino is where the smart people go medical shopping.
  5. When duping protection is properly implemented then their should be a complete hive wipe. Duping is rampant among some clans.
  6. bonafide

    Diplomacy attempts?

    how can you be born in Russian and be a Canadian?
  7. bonafide

    Are these markers possible?

    depends on the server setting. Its just a map marker.
  8. My guess is that 95% of the people spewing garbage like this never played when the bandit skin was in the game. Let me tell you, I got shot more times by a survivor skinned player than a bandit during those days.
  9. bonafide

    Why tactics matter.

    15 players geared to the teeth and also helis. That aint tactics.
  10. bonafide

    Got good stuff...Now what?

    AK 74 Cobra + 20 mags G17 + 10 mags Both suck.
  11. This game can never simulate real life because you cant respawn. All you fucking carebears would be dead and we'd never have to hear your whines. :D
  12. Oh look, this thread again
  13. sincerely doubt those 6 people were all together. Stary/Novy Sobar is always busy and people were all probably attracted by gunfire. I will give you props for have pretty decent aim. Altho you were playing on a name-tags and Third Person server.
  14. bonafide

    Died for no reason... My story :'(

    you got your head shot off by a sniper.
  15. bonafide

    A good night of hunting.

    how did you get his ghille suit if he was already wearing it.
  16. you were making noise, its just that guy was too stupid to hear it. Also your survivor kill count went up. Welcome to banditry.
  17. Its a server option so basically its useless. Do you really want to swim to find out if you're gear is going in the drink?
  18. bonafide

    What Identifies a bandit?

    I'm about 90% sure I killed a bandit once and my bandit kill counter never went up. He was sniping noobs in Elektro. I was on 1 bandit kill and the counter did not increase, instead I got a survivor kill. Im not sure what the game considers a bandit.
  19. Rocket needs to make mechanics that are easier with a group but possible to do alone. An obvious example is a blood transfusion. Quick and easy with 2 people, but its entirely possible to fill blood up alone through hunting and cooking. (or collecting beans but that takes fucking forever).
  20. 8 at the moment. Its extremely unlikely anyone will have gear I want. I virtually never check the corpses after killing someone. I actively hunt people for sport.