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Everything posted by mrcheese

  1. Hi I have finally restarted playing again after 5 months and i still love this game i actually managed to actually find a bit of loot and then i died from a random sniper, I'm looking for a little help some people to team with and go around looting and maybe a bit of training, simple things like its taken me ages to work out the spawn timing for buildings and i cant fly and i've never seen what higher then sobor. i only worked out how to make a fire after hours i've never seen a tent, i just want to enjoy it a little more! Just wanting people to run around with really and enjoy the game. Im from the UK and i have a mic i also have teamspeak my name online and on ts is the same as here mr cheesestain. Hope people get back to me. Thank you
  2. I posted that i was looking on joining a clan / server and someone posted on my wall have a look at this, ive read all your posts and about your servers and i really like the sound of it and would like to join can i just add you on teamspeak is that how it works? i work 4 nights on 4 off so i dont play any when im working usually but on my days off i play day and night depending on my mood and if ive been shot more than twice that day!!
  3. mrcheese

    Your First Time Playing DayZ

    I got spawn camped and sniped when i was on the beach, i got lifted up into the air and smashed onto the ground during a hack attack, i hid in a bush for 20 mins till the zombies had gone away, i still have not seen the nw airfield i've heard about and every time i go near a trading camp in epoch i get shot - just restarted playing this after a 3 month lay up - frustrating is the word!
  4. Because i quite often use cheesestain as a form of abuse towards people when angered whilst playing BF3
  5. Hi I just downloaded all arma and this mod yesterday and i think it is awesome, problem is i spawn on the beach run to a city and invariably die or spend untold amount of times running away and hiding in the woods to get sniped from afar. Looking for a clan or people to crew up with show me the ropes help me see more than electro! if this sounds like you and you have time for a bambi then let me know! i have headset and will download further apps, im an adult i am competative so i hope you can see why all this dying annoys me! i just want to experience more for example i jumped in a car and i didnt know i had to fix it! i got surrounded and eaten in seconds! Help a brother out!! oh my name is mr cheesestain