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About rebelspy71

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. I've played on this server, for a little over a month. I've also played on lots of others, in my 3 months of playing DayZ, and US 1446 is BY FAR the best! Admins are active and very helpful. The CDC checkpoint is there to HELP YOU, not hurt you, so if you should choose to pass through there, just follow their instructions and they'll assist you to the best of their ability. The custom buildings (including extra barracks), across the map are a special treat, and these guys have made Chernarus the way it SHOULD be (just my opinion, I know). There's no shortage of vehicles, either. If you can't find one, it's because you're not looking hard enough. If you like helicopters, you're in luck. To date, I've seen (and flown): the MH-6J, AH-6, MI-17, MI-24 (Hin D), the Huey, MH-60, and the Apache. There may be others, but I'm not sure. All in all, I don't see myself leaving this server...it's just that damn good!
  2. I haven't read this entire thread, so if my idea is a duplicate, please disregard it. I did see where one person mentioned including an actual military flame-thrower, in the stand-alone. Not a bad idea, but what about improvised flame-throwers as well? Nothing more than a cigarrette lighter attached to a spray-can of compressed, flammable liquid. Could be hair-spray, bug-spray, paint (someone mentioned spray paints already), aerosol air-freshener, you name it. Of course, to be realistic, it would have to have a very limited duration of use and when you run out you'll need to find new (full) cans and lighters.