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Everything posted by jacob.fulmer@yahoo.com

  1. Server: TOAST - DayZEpoch - - (Added Buildings|250+ Vehicles|Base Building|Sarge AI|Animated Helicrashs|SelfBB|Lift|Tow|Autorefuel|Fast Roping|Salvage Parts|Sleep in Tents) (Veteran|3D:ON|CH:ON) - Vilayer.com Toast Server is meant to be as close to realistic as we can provide. There are added buildings but they are aimed at providing a more balance atmosphere. There are no safe zones, including in the trader towns, so beware when trading or maybe bring friends along to cover your ass. Even the auto refuel has been slowed down and is only possible at the pumps and refuel trucks (Although the old school jerry can works as well). The Admins here at Toast look forward to seeing you, and are here to help if you run into problems. Good Luck Brand New Server Added some buildings (but not enough to throw off the balance) 250+ Vehicles Base Building Sarge AI Animated Helicrashes Self BloobBag Lift/Tow Auto Refuel at Pumps Fast Roping Salvage Parts Sleeping In Tents Active Admins Address: Port: 2322
  2. Have had some great people come on the server. Still looking for more though!
  3. Server just went Live today and is now open to the public. Please try out the server and see if it is for you. If you need assistance on the server contact me either here or email me at Toastepoch@gmail.com.
  4. jacob.fulmer@yahoo.com

    Help With Adding Buildings in Bliss

    If you are editing a lingor map, open lingor and then hit load and select your file.
  5. jacob.fulmer@yahoo.com

    Help With Adding Buildings in Bliss

    same way i add buildings except i save the edited map from the editor in all three ways. the tutorial that i watched when i was first learning how to do this myself said to do it or youd get problems, so i always have... try that and see if it makes a difference
  6. jacob.fulmer@yahoo.com

    New Server

    New Private Hive Server! 125 Vehicles New Buildings/Towns Working Auto Refuel Working Vehicle Parts Scavange (Take Parts From One Vehicle Put On Another) Starting Weapon (CrossBow) No Rain (Always Sunny) 24/7 Daytime Side Chat Death Messages TSW AntiHack Server IP Admin/Owner: HelsBane Hosted By Dayz.ST
  7. jacob.fulmer@yahoo.com

    New Server

    Added Vehicle Parts Scavange, should make it a bit more realistic.
  8. jacob.fulmer@yahoo.com

    New Server

    Thanks Im glad you like it crispies