I agree with you on almost all posts. Feels like it will take YEARS to get this game good, and yes, I know its an "pre-Alpha", but you gotta be realistic. Meleeing is a complete joke and I dont know how they gonna improve this that much. Slow response on actions etc. Just stopped playing after this session with 3 more friends, and all of us were very very dissapointed. Lots of whining on mumble on annoying stuff. And how was the session then? Well, all we had to do was to run and try to find food and drink, and when we found something, we splitted it up and used it, then after that we had to find even more food and water. And find vitamins, and find blood, and find blood tests etc etc. First impressions is that this game will dig its own grave, or atleast Dean Hall will. Only got one sentece to say. ITS A PIECE OF CRAP. /Off to buy WarZlolZ