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About retmock

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    On the Coast
  1. retmock

    Saving a DAYZ map?

    they have extra barracks' and nice vehicle spawns as well as a good loot table, however I don't know if the mission file would give me the loot table.
  2. retmock

    Saving a DAYZ map?

    I've actually been trying to contact the server admin, but for the past week not a single admin has been on when I have been on, and it's unfortunate because the server specifically says "ACTIVE ADMINS!" which obviously isn't true considering i'll be on for 2-3 hour clips and not a single admin any day.
  3. OK, so I'm playing on this dayz map, and I want to save it... if that makes sense. I'm playing on some map hosted by some person and I really like their map so I want to be able to take that map and use it for a personal dayz server, is that possible? if so can someone help me do this? Thanks for any constructive responses.
  4. alright i'll look for it, thanks
  5. I have been playing normally, but my intent is to scope out a nice place to build, and I find that when I get anywhere close to having nice gear I get shot and killed, so if a couple buddies and I have a vision in mind we can easily send small missions out to get supplies then return to our base and slowly build it. again though, my intent is to just test things out in dayz before I go into a very competitive environment and waste materials testing bases in a server with 20+ people.
  6. Hello, I want to test out some things in dayz, but it would be to difficult and stressful to test it out on an actual server, so I want to host my own server, pretty much just for me to play on. What i want to be able to do is spawn items in so that I can test out what I want to test out. Now my question is, if I host my own server will I be able to spawn items in? items like barbed wire fence kits and sandbag fence kits, vehicles, etc. My intent is to find a nice place to build a base, build a good layout, then move to an actual server and begin finding the items to build that base with a couple of friends. This might sound stupid, but it makes sense to me. Anyways there is two things i need help with: 1) obviously my question in the block of text above was "if i host my own server, can i spawn items in." 2) I have very little knowledge in hosting a dayz server, and I imagine it is more difficult than the countless number of minecraft servers I've set up, so can anyone give me some direction in setting up a server, or give me a link to a page that describes how to do it? I've googled it and most of the time the instructions i have found are incomplete. I appreciate any help, and again thanks.