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Everything posted by ethanhund

  1. ethanhund

    German Guy needs help in German

    Willkommen, hast du Arma2 und Arma2 OA nach der Installation (also vor der Dayz-Installation) jeweils einmal gestartet? Zur Authentifizierung der CD-Keys ist dies nämlich notwendig.
  2. We've got the same problem as well (DE 1610, ID: 82XX). Any idea what might be the cause of this bug?
  3. ethanhund

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Same here (DE 1610, ID: 8263). 7 days after setting the server up, vehicles finally started spawning but are dissappearing after each restart. There has been a single occurence where an ural transformed to a bike, other than that, all vehicles vanished.
  4. lu19's been offline for more than 6 hours now, any news on a future restart?
  5. ethanhund

    items dissapearing?

    Well, to specify, we did lose our primary and secondary weapon as well as the tools we had equipped and our backpacks. Ammo and food was still in our inventory though. We didn't even make it back to our tents as we were missing our map as well as our compass, so i don't know if our loot's still in there.
  6. ethanhund

    items dissapearing?

    Me and a friend of mine got the same problem as well.
  7. Hi@all, i just purchased and downloaded Arma2:Combined Ops via Steam. DayZUpdater took care of my mod files and i entered "-mod=@dayz -nosplash" in my startup properties, just like you guys suggested. Depending on the server i try to join i get either random error messages like "cfgbin.bwmod monoculars" or i will have to wait for approx. 2 mins just to get back to the ingame server browser (timeout i suppose, right?). I haven't been able to join a single server thus far. Any suggestions?