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Everything posted by MajorGunHo

  1. Could a moderator or admin please contact me. I have video of multiple players exploiting our server. I can be reached at [email protected] Thank you, Major
  2. WARNING - Vulgarities.. The video says it all, what happened?
  3. MajorGunHo

    Was this a hacker attack? Confused.

    May have been on the same server as us.
  4. MajorGunHo

    Was this a hacker attack? Confused.

    Thanks for the input. Is the telltale sign the "bad vehicle type honey bee"?
  5. MajorGunHo

    Was this a hacker attack? Confused.

    When I logged back in, I was better off then when this happened, I had more blood lol. However, it did move me from Krasnostav to Elektro. Imagine my surprise when I logged back in to find myself in the middle of elekro. Jules; well, he is now in the ocean.
  6. MajorGunHo

    Was this a hacker attack? Confused.

    So your going with yes to hacker attack?
  7. If any of you guys have been on the fence about buying Arma 2 CO for Day Z, now is the time. Or a good way to get your friends playing with you. Thought I would just show this to everyone, if people didn't know about it yet. Check it out on sale for $20. http://amzn.to/NroN9D
  8. MajorGunHo

    Arma 2 Combined Ops Sale. $20

    I guess. I love helicopters so I fly around in Armory all the time.
  9. MajorGunHo

    Arma 2 Combined Ops Sale. $20

    Even so - Arma 2 is pretty fun even if you just play in the armory.
  10. MajorGunHo

    Fat-Lasagna.com's Day Z Fun

    Check out our videos. We are new to the fun, let us know what you like, what you don't, and what you'd like to see more of. We have both points of view, both mine and Jules. Let me know what you would like to see different! We are very interactive with our viewers and readers, and work to meet your expectations. Thanks guys
  11. MajorGunHo

    Found the rarest gun in the game?

  12. Hey guys. A friend of mine Jules and I are doing a video series as we play through Day Z. We are enjoying the game and plan to keep putting out more. We are currently on episode 3, with 4 later today most likely. Here is Episode 2 from my POV. And here is Ep 2 from Jules POV. Also - if you want to subscribe to us, you will automatically be entered into our Sanctum giveaway (We are giving away two copies). Read more by Clicking Here! Also, comment on the website, youtube, or here. Let us know how we are doing! We are enjoying ourselves, and we want to know what you like and what you don't. Thanks guys!
  13. MajorGunHo

    Fat-Lasagna.com's Day Z Fun

    Bump - no comments? Suggestions? etc???
  14. MajorGunHo

    Ninja'd a boat

    Running up to Berenzino. Found a boat! :D (Warning, explicit language)
  15. MajorGunHo

    200 669 unique players..

    ^^ Lol banned
  16. Hey everyone, Having some odd issues with Day Z. - Cannot zero my M107 :@ Pretty self explanatory. I have checked my binds, and it's bound to page up and page down. I tried rebinding it to other keys and still nothing happens. Any suggestions?? - Rangefinder does not show distance :( It just doesn't show any distance. Glorified binoculars. I gave them to a friend and it worked just fine for him, so I know it's something with my client. - My debug monitor is green :huh: This doesn't bother me, but everyone elses I see in youtube videos is brown... - "Open Bag" is hidden behind close in Inventory :s When I open my inventory, I can see "Op" before the rest of the button goes and hides behind the far right button, which I believe is close. - Item actions appear behind inventory :-/ Whenever I right click an item in my inventory the action option appears behind my inventory. For example, if I right click on a bandage, I have to drag my inventory to the side, right click on the bandage again, and then can click "Bandage Myself" or whatever it says. I have to click it once for it to register where the option appears, then move inventory, and click it again. You can see why this is annoying, as it typically costs me an additional 600-1000 blood depending on lag. - Location doesn't show when I spawn :dodgy: Everyone says when you spawn, it will sshow your location in the bottom right. Well, trust me, I've spawned enough and specifically looked for this, and have had nothing. So I have determined that something is wrong with my client. I'm unsure what is wrong. I have re-installed both A2 and OA, and run them both as Admin. I have tried changing resolutions (I currently run in 1600x1050 windowed) but have tried full screen, and other various resolutions with no changes. Changing servers doesn't help with any of these issues. Any ideas would be appreciated. Thanks!
  17. MajorGunHo

    Interface bug/problems ?

    http://dayzmod.com/forum/showthread.php?tid=9764 same problems
  18. MajorGunHo


    Wow you have an incredibly fast screenshot finger.
  19. MajorGunHo

    Taking a break from Day Z

    Ok, I have to admit, that's probably the best I've seen so far ahahha
  20. ^^ I would listen to this guy. But you probably won't. But I would.
  21. There is a thread somewhere to report debug killers. Check there.
  22. MajorGunHo

    Multiple players on same computer

    I have heard rumors of needing to delete certain files before switching. You could also use seperate windows logins I have heard. I cannot confirm any of this as I haven't tried it, but it's what I hear. Also, try searching, pretty sure there are several posts already.
  23. MajorGunHo

    Tents Outside Map

    If I had to guess I'd say it would work.. but it IS outside of the map so I don't think I would put any valuable gear in it' date=' just safer to find a spot far up north or something like that. [/quote'] Far up north isn't htat safe. We just swept from all the way east, to all the way west, 6 people, covered 10 grid squares. Looted nearly 30 tents.