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Everything posted by q1p0

  1. q1p0

    Zombie Changes

    Their health needs to at least be the same as humans then, rather than lower as currently is.
  2. Would all types have same health? If yes then it would be sensible for reversing the Zombie type percentage and if different health for each type then keep the current percentage.
  3. q1p0

    Gas masks

    I would stay away from radiation option as it is fairly common idea and would rather prefer disease/biological prevention role for the mask and bio suit. The suit would also be close to useless if torn by infected melee or projectiles.
  4. q1p0

    Shovel (new weapon/equipment)

    So you all are you suggesting a lobotomizer? or something similar to one of those Chinese Army multipurpose shovels? Edit: Spelling
  5. q1p0

    Ability ot Consolidate ammo,

    You don't have to, it's all ready been answered. Also what do you expect from Windows 98, XP would be a different story.
  6. Did you get paid Inception?
  7. q1p0

    Community Food and Drink Textures!

    Tropic Thunder Booty Sweat or regional equivalent.
  8. q1p0

    Country-Specific Chopper Crashes

    Doesn't NATO have interoperability in terms of equipment in case of war? Also the backstory may change and may not be the same as Arma.
  9. The people who want third person would be opposed to this idea as I don't think many of them want third person to look at their character, rather look around obstacles. I never play as third person (unless no first person mode available), so this will be good to curb exploits.
  10. q1p0

    Pellet guns

    You would use it for the same reasons, people shoot cats or dogs with it, just to piss them off, and in this case it would be the infected.
  11. q1p0

    Zombie AI proposal

    They are infected (28 Days later etc.) and so would be fast and bolt straight for you rather than Romero Zombies. Hence why body shots count. I like the idea about differentiating between sight and sound ranges.
  12. q1p0

    Weapon damage general discussion.

    The damage needs to be sorted out first rather then the capacity.
  13. q1p0

    5.56mm weapon nerfing

    Officially not used by any military. But hoping for the same variation in ammo as observed in weapons in the standalone.
  14. q1p0

    5.56mm weapon nerfing

    The damage value can be change depending on the back story and how long after the initial infection outbreak, the player has landed on the beach and whether military rounds or war production or dirty rounds which are less lethal (ala Metro). Why would there not be HP rounds in DayZ (low quantity and don't tell me they are not used at all by the military forces)? What do the images in your sig refer to?
  15. q1p0

    DayZ Newb Guide

    Can we stop with the pissing contest and get back to the topic of the guide. By the way Army ftw. To the OP can you at least put a work in progress sign for your guide (it is not what I would expect in basic guide) and provide a proper guide that will help noob bandits survive the first few minutes.
  16. q1p0

    Question about Dogs...

    I would be happy to walk everywhere with the dog if you can put a pouch combat kit or haversack on the dog and have him carry some of the ammo and medical supplies.
  17. How do you know the clan has not had enough of a challenge, as you put it? Ask the other players on the server to help you kill the clan.
  18. q1p0

    DayZ Newb Guide

    I don't think a guide is required even for a new player and all required information is available on dayzdb or wiki. Also why kill on sight? Why not instead show ways to take someone hostage and loot them without killing them or injure them and leave them or lay traps for other players or use other players to distract the infected and escape without taking damage or any other countless possibilities to be a bandit (i.e. kill other players) and display skill at the same time. Make it interesting for both players. Also pick up the loot of the killed player, where is that statement in your so called guide. I agree kos is a good strategy against someone with better weapon than you, and should not be portrayed as a universal bandit move, but one of the bandit moves.
  19. Te fact that it is a game, is be the reason that people play in a kos manner without any limitation. And in a way they would be portraying the behavior to expect during a disaster (albeit from a minority as opposed to the majority as is present in DayZ) where the global world order is disintegrated and every decisions means life or death (refer to World War Z for examples, where the people bind together to fight the local Zeds, but immediately after the fight they go back to not dealing with and fighting with each other). Adding infection and other natural ways to die will hopefully reduce the problem of bandits to some extent (as everyone will be pre occupied with finding safe items), but could also increase as people would be kos for antibiotics and good (uninfected food) etc. Also DayZ is kind of like a social experiment, it is up to the other survivors to band together and help eliminate the threat from the infected as well as the Bandits and rebuild the society (or closest to a society) instead of going on kos rampage due to being shot again and again. Some servers may go into full bandit mode, whereas whereas will be (very) few servers with people co-operating and helping to maintain law and order. Some the players kos have grown up with the COD or BF mentality and there is nothing that you can say or do to change that. So better to adapt to it rather than ban them from playing.
  20. q1p0

    Why banditing?

    I prefer to kill those without a microphone, or those that have long hairs or black characters as they are not required in the new order.
  21. The last time I checked, there was no defined way to play the game and anyone can play as he/she wants. So why calling someone who wants to play as they wish a dickhead?
  22. q1p0

    Scrap Mine + Zombie Blood

    You could make a stake mine with grenades and trip wire, but not sure about a standard blast mine. Also, the infection disadvantage will be greater than the infected lower detection (I don't know if this is even a possibility as the infected have not yet been defined, to us at least).
  23. q1p0

    Chance to go crazy if Z hits the player

    OK so kinda like ((((21 zeds / (167 zed kills / 8 days))*(2 number of players together * 0.2 their mental state [only goes 0.1,0.2 or 0.3]))*(3 weapon damage rating [the lower the better] + 2 weapon degradation rating [the lower the better])*((8 blood loss *2 for added weight to blood loss) + 10 hunger + 10 thirst + 3 infection+2 times shot by others or times melee by zeds within the last x mins)) + (other variables such as sounds etc) - (other variables to lower mental state) = Value out of 1000 to go crazy and have accuracy and noise made affected by this value
  24. q1p0

    Chance to go crazy if Z hits the player

    Would the screaming and other effects disappear the longer you live in game, or will it continue throughout the life of the character? Also, would your in-game communication be disabled during the bad mental state period when your character does the uncontrollable things If you see infected in front of you in real life, you run into a building with two entrances, because they can only walk indoors (as they don't want to break any furniture). Its common sense.
  25. q1p0

    Make more guns!

    I haven't looked into the game code, but does the damage value take into account fragmentation (5.56) and tumbling(5.45/7.62)?