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Everything posted by BlackDolphin

  1. BlackDolphin

    Name weapons that should be in DayZ SA

    VSS Vintorez Bizon
  2. BlackDolphin

    Huge Structures in DayZ SA

    How about a convoy of jeeps BRDM and medical vehicles who got stuck on a dirt road in a thick forest or marsh/swamp and got overun by zombies. see pic: http://st.gdefon.ru/wallpapers_original/wallpapers/392505_stalker_boloto_zil_chelovek_1920x1200_%28www.GdeFon.ru%29.jpg Or a overgrown abandoned Vilage in the swamps see pic http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120204213037/stalker/images/6/68/CS_marsh_church_south.jpg There could also be some small manmade caves around the marsh and swamps see pic http://images4.alphacoders.com/296/296338.jpg
  3. BlackDolphin

    Make more guns!

    Well if you don't have anything against a VSS Vintorez ingame why did you have to post some passive agressive real life argument that you turned into a balance discussion. If you knew anything about game balance you would know that gameplay > realism. As much as i love DayZ sense of realism and such i wouldent want to nerf a gun to the extreme just so that some wiki gunsmith would be happy.
  4. BlackDolphin

    Make more guns!

    I would really like to see the "VSS Vintorez" ingame, would fit very well ingame imo.
  5. BlackDolphin

    The stranded ship...

    I support this idea, would be interesting to have an stranded merchant ship lying on the shores of chernarus. I would preferably have either a "Bulk Carrier" or a "Oil tanker" mechant vessel as model for the ship Oil Tanker http://www.boatnerd.com/news/newsthumbs/images-08-2/TormCaroline7-08-08-km.jpg Bulk Carrier http://sale-ships.com/photos/Ocean_Comet_ship.jpg