Hello I wrote this topic to inform you that I am playing a very good server with admins ON. This server is PT / BR So you can write Portuguese and English in site channel WebSite: www.lusos.pt IP: Requirements for being Able to join Lusos Servers - Being over 16 years old Send an email to
[email protected] with The Following information: - Name - Nick (it is forbidden to use more than one nick per player) - Steam ID - E-mail - Country - Reason to Join Lusos Servers All applications will be Evaluated by the team of administrators and will be sent an email with the decision Within maximum 24 hours ---------------------------------------------------- Lusos - Portugal Survivors | Server 1 | MAP - Chernarus SLOTS - 42 LEVEL - Mercenary | 3rd Person: OFF | Tags: OFF | Waypoints: OFF | Crosshair: OFF MAX PING - 200 SECURITY - Battleye | Gotcha | Whitelisted | Admins ADD INFO - Powered by Vilayer | +82 Vehicles | Version | SERVER Restarts - | 6am, 12am, 6pm, 12pm | LISBON GMT DAYTIME - 22 Hours | 11pm-1am | NIGHT - 2 Hours | 11pm-1am | Thanks for reading server is new !